Sitting At A Table Outside Of A Coffee Shop - An Original Poem

Sitting at a table outside of a coffee shop
a man takes a long drag off his cigarette
he blows the smoke hard out from his lungs
in nervous anticipation of what he is waiting for.
Sitting at a table outside of a coffee shop
the man ponders on the chain of events
that has bound his life and dragged him here
to create the next link in the consequence.

Sitting at a table outside of a coffee shop
a tear escapes from the eye of the man
as he remembers how he was left alone
by the poor decision of a man lost in a bottle.
Sitting at a table outside of a coffee shop
he suffers his make believe nightmare
as his mind imagines like it has forever
of the violent destruction of his family.
Sitting at a table outside of a coffee shop
his sorrow swirls into a tempest of rage
considering the man that took five lives
still has the rest of his own to regret it.

Sitting at a table outside of a coffee shop
he crushes his cigarette into the ashtray
then he opens the briefcase on the table
as he sees his destiny approaching him.
Sitting at a table outside of a coffee shop
the man stands to greet his appointment
he nervously fumbles his hand into the case
and pulls out a stack of bound papers.

Sitting at a table outside of a coffee shop
he hands the papers over to the other
it is a story written of a boy left alone
and the lengths he went to for revenge.
Sitting at a table outside of a coffee shop
the man pitches the fact and the fiction
the other man listens with obvious interest
to the therapeutic implicative narrative.
Sitting at a table outside of a coffee shop
the two men shake hands and part ways
the man left at the table lights a cigarette
as his story is carried away to the world.

Wow what a great lines really like it thanks for sharing keep posting