My dear boy...
My dear boy, things may seem strange
and scary at the moment
But don't fret, all bits fall into places
and things will get content.
My dear boy, all hope is never lost,
for even the slightest light
may break the dark and restore what
has been consumed by frost.
My dear boy, remember what your dear
mother has taught.
Only the hated can hate and only foul ones
can cause the wars fought.
My dear boy, pain don't wander and go seeking
solace in the wicked.
Time heals all wounds and temporary relief
will only leave you more twisted.
My dear boy, pain is a part of life and it leaves
you more the wiser.
For without pain, life will be a monotonous tale of
Mr. Joy, the miser.
My dear boy, you have to be strong. For this
is your journey
and you have to brave out the storm on your own
to create extraordinary memories.
My dear boy, you will see this through and
this mountain will too be conquered.
And when the dust settles and things calm down
you will be your own hero, who is honoured.
My dear boy, believe the words I tell you as
I know you better than you do.
For I have lived your life with your own body
and one day you will be me too!!