A Poem For Divinity; Beyond Space and Time “And It’s Still There”

in #poetry6 years ago

“ And it’s still there”

As you read I ask suggest to look at it as movement in words, no attachment or labels, no judgement or identification. For me this is the beautiful part, that is it comes in many forms. If some parts don’t resonate then don’t judge that either.
Let it be A recognition of harmony in motion. Nothing more but an expression of energy or source.
It can be a poem, or can be verse, it can be a flow, it could be a rhythm, it could be a download or could be a spit yo. But it could also be none of those and only what it desires to be in that moment only during motion and speaking.


As It has always been there,
It’s always there,
It’s not going anywhere,

It’s not just about culture any more,
It’s a living intelligence,
It’s not about “l” anymore

It’s about we, and that’s 3
You see 1+1 produces 3,
Matter plus energy is universality,
switch the “U” and the L, add the ‘E’ and that’s harmony aka energy,
A pulse is a rhythm,
Radiation and Gravity,
An expression of group personality,

Positive vs negative is conductivity,
A force,
A reaction,
A symphony,

A hierarchical triangle,
Points of tension,
Einstein termed it entanglement,
Physics calls it zero point,
Lose the words and it becomes unspeakable,
A source of energy known to some, But cultivated by fewer

If you attach it’s a recommended travesty,
If you react, you commit to materiality,
If you speak you commit to duality,

If you only observe
If you only appreciate,
If you only work to dissolve,
Let one enter the realm, the ashram,

The master is the ashram,
The master knows, believes and is,
issness is beyond consciousness,
Deceased of the soul,
A deconstructive sacrifice,
A perceived death,

Concepts only to recognized through “ascension”,
A Term once unweak in its grammar,
Stable in its foundation,
Understood through the heart,
A knowing so polar, it’s perceived to only the knower,
The will-to-be is your motivator
The will-to-good is your lover
Through marriage it may be seen as the will-to-divine will,

An individual musician combining to make a band,
A group in rhythm,
Components synergizing producing harmony,
An aspect recognized as an attribute and virtue of the one divine creator.

The word,
A substance in motion,
Vibration in alignment,
An expression of love,
Expressive of the one,

Please let me remind you don’t have to identify, or associate,
Only recognize, only live through the one true you,

And remember An undeveloped concept frozen in time is an opportunity,
Put the change motion,
Be the change,
Be the endeavor to the realized,

“Having exhausted the tangible,
The inner life forces man towards the intangible’”
A quote in the “I am “ presence of the beloved master djwhal khul,
In’t kewl,
An expressive behavior that releases joy,
A Smile in time,
But An experience for eternity,

So Again I say, it has always been there,
It’s always there,
It’s not going anywhere,
Look up,
Look in,

Peace within yall,


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