Strange Feeling Like nov. 8 is the new New years eve. Fun shorty poem.
Hopefully my self is not compromised, hyptnotized, by mind controlled spies. My pie in the sky uncompromised in the eye of the behold-up. Turn off the t.v. till they all vote green with envy in the maturing chamber of natures scenes.
Is nov. 8 the new New years eve!? My black friday the 13th reads, 2016 Y2K, sweet 16 and pregnant to give birth to
standing rock free.
Militant hack wacker high-five jackers v.s. the jumping jack flash humane human mappers.
Also watched this tonight
I agree with the guy when he says - limited vocabulary = limited thinking. No doubt the culture dumbs the mass mind down. I suggest for anyone to read books with references as they are some of the best ones. I like to read diverse books and cross pollenate ideas.