The Coward Vs The Loser

It's sad to see you this way,
All battered and bruised.
You never stood a chance
Fighting such a foe,
The outcome was predictable,
The odds never favoured you.
I am in pains my friend.
My nose is broken, a few teeth lost and my limbs sore,
I feared I'd loose my life too,
I have never felt worse in my entire life.
But you see, I fought! Coward, I fought.
Exactly my point, Loser!
Not all accolades are for grabs,
You pick your fights.
I'd rather pick a fight I am certain of victory than loose like you did, in front of a booing crowd.
I was interested neither in the cheers nor the jeers of crowds.
I fought not to entertain,
There were higher stakes.
My dignity, then the fulfilment of dreams depended on whether I'd fight or not.
You see Mr C, I fought for my convictions, not fame.
Do not get too idealistic,
There are always other options.
You could hire professional fighters to do the dirty job,
Rather than get your hands dirty.
Victory is the bottom-line right?
Where is the glory in paying for victory?
Paying for others to learn Foe's weaknesses!
And deny myself the chance to demonstrate my own strengths?
What would become of my courage?
You speak of courage Loser!
Even a startled lion retreats for a moment, and returns the next to confront the enemy.
Live first and prepare to fight another day.
Victory becomes certain when adequate preparations are made.
I was stripped of the option to retreat Coward.
Excessive preparations numb one's courage.
The moment Foe obstructed the path to my biggest aspiration,
Fighting became an obligation.
You sound like a Philosopher,
Where was the wisdom to enter a fight you knew you'll loose?
You didn't just bow in defeat,
You're now crippled for life.
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