They talk of God whilst they hand me down their tracts
Loud are their voices, with venom they have made a pact.
‘’Repent now O ye sinner, else hell’s flames you will be sent.’’
Who are they to judge me before my days are spent !
Harboring hope that in time I will come to love,
This one God they say lives above.
But can fear and love the same path tread ?
Methinks not ! Can’t live with so much dread.
I believe in a God that cares not for my creed !
But cares if I look away while my brother bleeds.
I believe in a God that cares not the color of my skin!
But cares how much love I can spread from within
I believe in a God that cares not my questions
Of ancient scriptures that fill me up with doubt.
But cares if I leave all needy folks without.
We take too much upon ourselves
when with fear of God we delve
Of God, our minds cannot conceive,
In search of God, we ourselves deceive.
Heaven exists not just for those who pray
Or hell’s flames for folks, we think his words betray
Not a matter of simply believe or die
Or cos we ask too many questions why.
A heart, loving, warm and kind for all his creatures great and small
Thoughtful gestures, a smile for all
Without censure, with none you brawl ,
Methinks is all you need to see God’s kingdom hall.
Thanks for reading.
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