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in #poetry6 years ago

Don't tell me you work there! 😵

I just think that companies (especially ones that Google once owned 💩) making mechanisms which present such danger to people should be closely monitored, and that the company should reveal just what purpose these things are designed for beside hunting down and killing humans, seeing how they can run faster than cheetas.

Just an editorial opinion, however. I'd like to hear yours! 👀 Haha!


Lol, I wish.

I just love what they're doing so much. I understand your point and your concerns about AI in general. Everyone understands what really AI is should be concerned lol including myself, despite my love for the AI.

I just don't think what Boston Dynamic doing is wrong. My overall understanding of this whole Boston Dynamic is that they try to convert the philosophy of natural motions and/or behaviors into a mechanic body. And as of why would they do that, there's a ton of reasons or events that humans would use them selectively based on the situations.

And, of course, they could be a killing machine. Which I believe no one could stop institutions or even individuals from developing AI/machines. For example, now you can 3D print guns, how cool and how dangerous is that?

But then again, I get your point on the monitoring part, and I agree with you. There should be regulations and transparency. I even appreciate transparency more than any political and law manipulations.

I'm not sure what are your views on AI in general, but believe me, my friend, AI is just another technology like cars, tv, radio, or even a knife. Yes! The knife was once an advanced technology! It was used for gathering and hunting, but later we, humans, converted it into a killing machine. As this may sound off topic, I really find it a lot deeper than the kind of technology. It is not wrong to point out at something doesn't seem right but, at the same time I personally feel like we're always going in the wrong the direction, and in order to fix an issue, we really need to get to the roots. Why in the first place do we need a killing machine? Because we are filthy, bloody, disgusting creatures? I don't know, that's just how I view the world :D

My fears aren’t based on the concept of AI itself, but on the fact that there are people who are working on AI applications with little to no oversight. There aren’t only “good” people, (people with real morals and who believe in real justice), working on creating AI applications. My fear lies in AI being misused in pursuit of immoral acts, and I’m not just talking about war. For everything from censorship of people to serious mind control through AI-created propaganda, this is a dangerous thing to allow just anyone to do whatever they like with it. It’s like saying, “Here’s a neat app that can save or destroy the world, so go ahead and play around with it and see what you come up with.”

I honestly can’t comprehend a purpose for robots with extremities which have svelte, animal-like movement and can run as fast as cheetahs, other than having parts in movies or for chasing things. The movie work would likely be a onetime shot and then it’s only good for the other thing. So it always, ALWAYS makes me wonder why when I see them in videos. Especially when you factor in the man hours spent developing them, the material costs, etc.; and it's just for entertainment?

I agree AI is new tech. But IMO, it’s tech that has massive potential to do very bad things, and it’s basically, at this point, uncontrolled. I’m sure there are terrorists who want to get their hands on it if they aren’t already developing horrible uses for it, with developers sympathetic to their terrorist views. It’s just way too dangerous to allow access to the tools for open development of it by anyone for any purpose.

Boston Dynamics freaked me out years ago when I first saw what they were doing. When Google bought the company, my warning alarms all went off. I don’t believe that they don’t still have some control over them, or at least have some sort of contract to do their bidding, like hunting down those who attempt to bypass Google’s China Censorship, once in place. I expect Boston Dynamics will always be suspicious to me for these reasons, but mainly because of their Google affiliation. Google is pure evil, IMO,and should be banned from America if they do the China censoring.

So yes, IMO AI has a legitimate place in our world, but it shouldn't be out there for easy access, to use in the wrong ways by those who want to control everyone and everything.

Believe me, I understand where you're coming from, and I agree with you on the most parts. There should be regulations, and as I mentioned earlier, transparency even more important. We all are humans whom living on this so-called planet earth and everyone should be able to have an explanation and understand what is going on inside those kind of facilities. They don't just call us for the draft and die in wars for our countries "like heroes."

And I do understand why seeing a piece of metal being so advanced that it can run as fast as cheetah freaks you out. But then again, it is basic in AI robotic development, and this is just a beginning, in my opinion. The idea of teaching a machine to behave like some kind of a specific animal is just a step further in making a robot as flexible as possible. Why? Is another whole topic. It could be for good or bad.

That's why I also gave the example of how a knife changed from survivor tool to weapon we use to kill each other. What I'm trying to say here is, we are so distracted and lost among soo many issues while the source of it right in front of us. For example; this causes-> that-> and that causes-> these-> and these causes those-> and it goes on forever, till you find the main factor 'this' for instance. And so, if you fix 'this' you have automatically fixed "this, that, and these" or prevented them from happening in the first place.

I hope that makes sense at all ^_^

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