The Naked Truth

in #poetry6 years ago
  • You lie to me while we sleep in the embrace of destiny, my eyes are wandering in the jungle of incredible wisdom. Freedom reveals new stories of sages through primordial scripts, I miss simple math for understanding good and bad in people.

  • New wisdom covers old lies in the clouds of truth, does not understand the essence of matter as I pass through the fountains of gentle words. Open me the gates of time to find the lost man, you are a girl from my dreams who follow me through every tear and smile.

  • The new destination changes the goal and the decisions while enthusiasts surf on the clouds of inspiration, start the winner and champion in the depths of the heart and soul. The biggest hits come with the biggest failures, courage seeks happiness in a lost city of love adventures.

  • Princess in the hands of honour, beauty in the restless waters of the ocean that goes through the wonderful dimensions of passion. A moral doctrine in the eyes of a star makes new plans for luxury art, I love you from the heart.

Hola amigo @dobartim, las frases que mas me gustaron son estas:
  • Extraño las matemáticas simples para comprender lo bueno y lo malo en las personas.
  • Ábreme las puertas del tiempo para encontrar al hombre perdido.
  • El nuevo destino cambia el objetivo y las decisiones mientras los entusiastas surfean en las nubes de inspiración, comienzan el ganador y campeón en las profundidades del corazón y el alma.
  • Puedo decir que la vida no es logica, coherente o matematica, la vida tiene colores y matices, y cada personalidad es distinta.
    Es muy dificil saber cual es el bueno y cual es el malo.
    Debemos seguir en este mar de informacion, surfeando en las olas de la comunicacion.
    te deseo Exito, amigo.
    Nos vemos en la cima.
    Hello friend @dobartim, the phrases I liked best are these:
  • I miss simple math to understand the good and the bad in people.
  • Open the doors of time to find the lost man.
  • The new destination changes the objective and the decisions as the enthusiasts surf in the clouds of inspiration, the winner and champion begin in the depths of the heart and soul.
  • I can say that life is not logical, coherent or mathematical, life has colors and nuances, and each personality is different.
    It is very difficult to know which is good and which is bad.
    We must continue in this sea of information, surfing in the waves of communication.
    te desire Success, friend.
    See you at the top.

    See you on the top

    • @dobartim every letter is written with much passion and love from the heart to our precious love looked at the beautiful starry sky, passion moves us to follow in the footsteps of our beloved love, showing our feelings as sweet honey.

    • @dobartim cada letra está escrita con mucha pasión y amor desde el corazon a nuestro preciado amor mirado el bello cielo estrellado, la pasión nos mueve a seguir los pasos de nuestro amado amor, demostrando nuestros sentimientos como dulce miel.

    Great poem. Perhaps the new concept of bulleting each stanza doesn't make it poetic. Or joining the lines together.

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    Nice writing :) @dobartim

    Sir, I'll always see you write poem, where you get the rhyme writing daily @dobartim

    This is not rhyme

    Nice writing friend

    I am amazed by how the love is expressed here.
    Thanks for the poetry

    I am glad you like it