Look For My Heart

Thin ice and high fashion in fervent passion make work with short-term purpose and mission of ego enjoyment, awakening above material illusion and you will feel real spiritual power. I open myself for the changes that bring happiness and true values, you are the love of my life.
A challenging destiny goes through time indicators of thoughts and feelings, we move toward perfection that is unachievable to us. Business management logic has importance in all spheres of life, learn to master your habits and ways of thinking.
You are the source of beauty and the mystical power of love wisdom and the truth of life, you are a princess without a defect that leads me to the wonderful path of emotional virtues. In my heart, you will change the pure truth and honest intentions, my word is sincere and bright when it passes through your filters.
- Original poetry written by @dobartim
- We win together - Welcome to Steem Schools https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n
- Image Source:pinterest.com/pin/570338740309225106/