Changing winds by DMiLLiZ ( Photo Dump Poetry)
changing winds

he was only 22, slept and never woke,
his body as cold as a morning
draped in pre-winter solstice.
And here I am complaining about living.

they fall slowly to the earth,
under the vast blue sky.
One by one till the branches are bare.

fattened by the land that preserves.
I squat here deprived of sleep,
chasing dreams on digital clouds.

too many elements in the frame.
Life was simpler then,
when choices & distractions were few.
Convenience overwhelms.

a sublime moment of peace
as I glimpse its cloud like streaks.
The monkey brain, silenced for a wink.
I grabbed a bunch of the latest photos on my iPhone 6 that I'd probably end up deleting, and made a poem. I call it photo dump poetry. Dump your photos an your thoughts.
Ha! Some nice turns of phrase. First one's depressing. What prompted you to post these?
Well , a poet friend of mine commented on one of my post @zeleiracordero, so I checked out her latest poetry and it reminded me of the days I did the 100 day poetry challenge. Then, I was looking at one of @d-pend 's poems and I liked how most of his posts have original pics. Those were my prompts
Oh yes and papa-pepper for the picture dump idea lol