Clear Visions

in #poetry8 years ago (edited)

I drank your medicine with intention to learn-
tell me, what do I fear?
What am I afraid to bring to life that already exists within?
I know I will nourish from my own body this new being.
From a message coded in dreams,
please show me what is hidden beneath.
There stood my human body-
pregnant with a life begging to meet the fresh air on the other side.
I trusted your medicine to make strength of the pain,
to turn fear into power.
I trusted in the process of opening in ways more than one,
and through the legs that have guided me 20 years on this Mother Earth,
I watched myself give birth to a being so pure.
Far from infantile,
with limbs beautifully intertwined.
Larger than life this full body glowed,
red like blood,
like wild fire-
This was the birth of my truest self,
my Soul.
I am ready now to fearlessly emerge,
To lead the wolves in a moonlit dance,
To speak the truth of my being.

A message coded in dreams
Now makes sense to me.

Image: copyright @ Dark Natasha

Before I wrote this in my journal, I made a note to myself: "this is not poetry, this is truth." Sometimes I get lost in trying to find words that make an experience sound so beautiful, when in reality the truest account of it is what brings the experience to life in writing. With this piece, I stuck to an honest account of this medicine vision. There was no need to tell it any other way, to add any pizazz or exaggerated imagery, for that would be to deny its power and impact on my life. This medicine is one of the most powerful forces I've been blessed to work with, and to which I owe so much of my healing and spiritual growth. Thank you for reading... Hope you enjoy, much love! Aho mitakuye oyasin