AffirmationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry8 years ago (edited)

There is infinite possibility emanating from my being.
I emit only light by the intention of my own mind.
I live through my soul's desires and passions,
honoring truthfully
out of divine respect for my own body,
the needs of my highest self.
I stand fearlessly in my power,
I am strong enough to create out of love
my own golden pathway to achieving my dreams and duties.
I will do all things with a passion that fuels the fire in my soul.
I trust that every occurrence and endeavor is a part of my
divine journey guided by Creator,
each an opportunity to learn
and understand deeper the complexity of my infinite
and innately divine being.
From every cell I create a body that is full of vibrance.
My hands,
the storytellers of my past and shapers of my future,
come together in deep gratitude and thanks for my beautiful life.
I receive the abundance of this universe in praise
of its limitless ability to give.
This abundance exists inside of me.
I am manifestar,
and the emanation of my purest intentions
to live from a place of love.
I belong to no one,
I am free and boundless by the laws of the universe,
born with the right to claim my body temple,
and acknowledge its amazing powers
and healing abilities.
I am all things mystical and pure,
my inner most nature is wild,
and driven by the voice of my deep and all-knowing intuition.
I regard with respect
the Goddess I am on every plane of existence.
My spirit, soul, mind, and body
are intertwined,
existing as one powerful force of energy.
I am whole,
and the space in which I occupy is rightfully mine.
I understand my place in this life
as a piece of Creator's divine plan,
carrying my own sacred and beautiful medicine
in which I equally exchange with those with whom I
invest my hearts loving energy.
All my relations are in perfect harmony.
I am balanced,
equally grounded in my roots and expanding in my consciousness,
regarding all seven directions as places in which my soul exists.
I am inspired and empowered
by all life forms around me,
fully absorbing their energies to be
transmuted though my soul into
my own creative expression of my experience
of spirituality in this life.
I am a vessel in which the colors of the Universe
travel through.
I will speak only the truth of my being
that exists in the presence of this moment.
I live through the intention of awareness,
so that I may never deny my inner radiance and beauty.
I am divine and unconditional love.
I am the strongest force that exists in the Universe.

Morning Prayer that I wrote after listening to this beautiful track on sound cloud: … Listening to these types of prayers are always so empowering, but creating and speaking our own affirmations is the real work of the soul. I'm grateful to find inspiration in the work of others. SO much love and energy for life is flowing through me. So much excitement, passion, and joy. I am blessed and grateful to be where I am in my life. Much love. Aho mitakuye oyasin.


"I am manifestar" captures everything. the infinite. Glorious.

Thank you! That's particularly my favorite word of the whole poem, and it was intended to express our infinity, so I'm glad that came through to you. Much love

"I am balanced,
equally grounded in my roots and expanding in my consciousness,
regarding all seven directions as places in which my soul exists."

This gave me inspiration for a song possibly. Something along the lines of

I yearned to grow tall with strong branches,
but neglecting my roots, I couldn't sustain the heights.
Now I have planted deep down into love,
and my branches have become home to much life.

Thanks again for writing beautiful poetry. It is appreciated.

Wow, beautiful! The last line is so powerful. I'm truly nourished by the fact that these words struck inspiration in you. You are appreciated. Thank you