Antares eve

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Antares eve

original poetry
by @d-pend

with art by
   JoeyJazz & Aenami

antares_by_joeyjazz-dck87oq 2.jpg

from_this_moment_by_aenami-dcjxoz7 2.jpg

Rose rocks bloom from the scorpion's heart,
denser than dark silhouettes
tarrying beneath their feeble shadows.

Beyond, the salmon city yawns
magnificent in polished apathy.

The gradation of glints on ancient skyscrapers
calligraphs pale histories
in logograms buzzing with latent aspiration.

Salmon sky airbrushed,
darling haze.

Domes, the erstwhile temples
Absorbing fuchsia balm,
Sit neglected under hedonism's fist.

Lemonade, honey in roux of saffron,
to reach a pallid hand
through the bodice of our dying matron's glow
may be the only gesture
that can save our fading love.



antares_by_joeyjazz-dck87oq 3.jpgtimeless_by_aenami-dc6pscr 2.jpg

Poetry written
by @d-pend
Art created by
   1 -.- "Antares" by JoeyJazz
   2 .-. "From This Moment" by Aenami
   3 -.- "Timeless" by Aenami

from_this_moment_by_aenami-dcjxoz7 3.jpg
antares_by_joeyjazz-dck87oq 4.jpg



Antares eve

I like the ambiguity of the phrase itself. Anticipation for a special event and the end of light; the luminous first woman and nightfall (not totally disconnected when we think about the resonance of the fall and the "darkness" derived from it).

The ambiguity continues as we encounter a civilization based on smooth, highly developed, refined "apathy".
We don't get the full manifestation of ancient technology but only "The gradation of glints", which sounds like degradation, decline or degeneration.
The struggle between east and west, reflected in the "latent aspiration" of "calligraphs" and "logograms".

As it was the case with Earth, in this world, religion and spirituality seem to have succumbed to to pleasure

Domes, the erstwhile temples
Absorbing fuchsia balm,
Sit neglected under hedonism's fist.

Thus, a dying star, the dying mother, still invites for gestures of compassion that can invigorate a fading love. It's never too late to save the glow "from the scorpion's heart."

An insightful read - I appreciate it @hlezama! From my youth of reading modern and classic science fiction, I am drawn to contemplate the growth and decline of civilizations on a macro scale. I find most are only concerned with day to day, perhaps years or decades. What of centuries and aeons? A million years is really not much on the scale of the universe. How would our world change if more were inclined to consider the (near-unfathomably) big picture?

Hi, @d-pend. You're right, a myopic view of humanity and their place in the big picture (if contemplated at all) has been the cause of much of what we suffer today and will suffer in the near future.

I guess it is too much for our overall processing mechanism to conceive that most of what will happen will happen regardless of our existence.
We will not be present to see what we want to see.

The immediacy of our reasoning skills puts us in a position of utter selfishness. Mega corporations today, for instance, exploit resources just thinking about cash for today, it does not matter for them that there will be scarcity tomorrow. They won't be here to see it, anyways, so why should they care?

Great one bro.. Just one question: why salmon sky and city, why SALMON? Is there any other connection or you think about the color?

Mainly for the color. Here's a decent reference I use sometimes when I'm lost for hues :-D The piscine symbolism is also somewhat apt because the sky can be conceived of as a vast ocean.

Antares is among the brightest stars visible from Earth (on average the 15th brightest). It is a red supergiant approximately 550 light years away. The color likely inspired the artist to create the piece I used as the thumbnail image.

Because it is part of the Scorpius constellation, one of its nicknames is "the heart of the scorpion" which I referred to in the opening line of the poem. I also drew inspiration from the odd trees in the image which somewhat resemble rose rocks. (My grandma lived in Oklahoma, where rose rocks, though rare, are often found. I thought they were amazing as a child!)

Omg that link is awesome! And yeah, I know about Antares! Now that you said all of this, it makes the poem more awesome... It's hard to read your mind but that's good. It means it's not shallow ;)

Have a great night bro

This will be wonderful if this can be viewed in realistic!

Love your setting, a personal paradise!!I want to exist in this city... where there is extraordinary colour beauty and also where the perfect surroundings to savour love !!


Interesting use of color word choices.

Sit neglected under hedonism's fist.

Good line. "Hedonism's fist" ... powerful phrase.

I instantly thought "Hedon's Fist" ... that would make a great title for a poem and it got me thinking about what the poem would be about. It's extremely suggestive.


the heart emanates no warmth today
as the world pushed me in a deep abyss of apathy
once in my childhood i asked oh deAR apathy??
where is my beloved and where my love resides
an echo came from deep down the mountains
a place where there is no apathy
a place where the warmth of love can melt the blazing sun
a place where the cold mountains melt with the songs of love
oh beloved love speak to me the songs of love
for i can't tolerate the rhymes of apathy

Interesting combination of poetry and art :)

Posted using Partiko Android

"in logograms buzzing with latent aspiration." Great line

Great work, well presented. uplifting.

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