Relics of love
In beginning
You were mine and I was yours
The beauty of your face the whole world adores
I was the star and you were the heavens
Together we made the universe our very own haven
I was the Poet and you were the soul
The sadness of the world, our rhythms stole
I was the Canvass and you were the brush
Together we made the rainbows blush
I was the Candle and you were the flame
The light of our love,to it all men came
I was the water and you were the fire
Together we made the elements conspire
I was the seeker and you were the treasure
Finding you was life's greatest pleasure
I was the Knight in armour and you the princess
A story told to generations in distress
I was the wind and you were the trees
Together we swayed to the whistling of the leaves
I was the question and you were the answer
The puzzle of love, we unraveled for generations after
I was the rain and you were the clouds
We poured the crimson of our love upon the crowds
I was night and you were day
We took up wings as we flew away
I was the film and you were the camera
Together we gave the world pictures of the ethereal
I was the author and you were the story
We became the bestseller of all category
I was blind and you were my eyes
An Angel that gave me wings to rise
In the end
There was me and there was you
A love story that never took root.