The Ones Who Don't Care

There’s something beautiful about people who don’t care, about people who walk their own walk every day while remaining true to those they love.
These people – the ones who don’t care, indeed care deeply about themselves and others, but care not of the world and its useless distractions.
These people – the ones who don’t care, have it all figured out. Meanwhile, the rest of us swear life is complicated; just beyond our grasp, causing our brains to cry out in pain and our hands to be thrown up in defeat.
These people – the ones who don’t care, are never lonely, but often alone in their endeavors. What one can accomplish alone is often the desired goal of entire communities.
These people – the ones who don’t care, are not apathetic, but rather, are liberated souls who know love and nothing else.
These people have a contagious confidence about them for sure!
Awesome post, I totally agree.
I don't care what the world does or thinks, I just walk my own path. Life is easy if you don't sweat the small stuff and wake up everyday with the belief it'll be a great day. 😉
He is no fool who trades the things he cannot keep for the things he cannot lose.
Knowing love is the only knowledge that's worth anything <3
That's exactly right. Everything else is just that -- everything else. <3
Yes Ma'am
One thing I never been a big fan of is the American culture of lust over money, and power. I swear people love their smart phones more than the people they are in the room with. Perhaps it’s just the instant gratification world we now live in that drives this.
Family and friendships can take a lot of time and effort. They simply can’t be turned off with a switch or a click of a button to power them down. So many seem to not want to put in the time or effort anymore. It’s like they want their lives to move so fast to the end they have zero time for anything.
I admit I often find myself lost in whatever I’m doing. Far too many hours into the next thing I have my sights on. Sometimes the weeks just blow by without me having much thought of it. It’s like I have lost all control over it. Despite my best attempts I can never find the time for everyone.
Really wish I could spend more time with family and friends. Many would accuse me of being distanced, and apathetic among other things. I do walk down a very strange path in life. Some think I know it all; while others ,view me as clueless.
Always interesting to view ones thoughts on such a subject matter.
I'll admit I also do that with a lot of family and friends; I just don't put in the effort anymore. Neither do they, though. Who is to blame? Does it matter? I try not to worry about it and instead worry about making time for those I absolutely can't imagine being without. I can count those people on one hand...
I have 3 people that I just can’t be without.
Quit a few people have used me in my past so that also makes it hard. Also leaves me to being rather selective. Least steemit has open me back up a lot.
I find even with very close family to me it’s a rather one sided road. I say hi, ask them how they doing. They say how they doing and then a week go by and I try again. Or they just don’t reply back at all for 3 months and then come up with an excuses. I can understand busy life and that is just how it is most time. Feels like my bashing my face on a brick wall most the time.
People require a lot of energy -- mental and physical. Most peoples' priorities are centered around materialism, vices and narcissism. That's why it's important to make sure you're looking after yourself and your needs, or else those needs might not get taken care of.
You have done your part and if they don't reply, it's on them. The same thing has happened to me and I've slowly branched out to include "non-family" as my family instead of "bugging" my real family.
Really nice post. I feel identified with much of what you say, but I could not have put this in words, not even close, in the way you did it. I would say that it is also about accepting, but by something like following the natural course of things. I am not native English so I may not express exactly what I wanted, but I dont care (just kidding).
Resteemed, followed and looking forward to see more of your work :)
Do you mean going with the flow and ceasing judgment? Or something like that? :)
Yup, definitely that would be an accurate way to express it. Thanks for the answer :)
Awesome, awesome, awesome! Really loved your words, very cool 😎
Thanks so much for reading! :)
Wow Really nice post :) Beatifully writed and really accurate. Followed and Resteemed! (for my future followers ^^)