Moby Dick: A name of terrifying intrigue in the Western World. A name that surely filled the heart of every Ship-Captain and Deckhand with cold, inescapable dread.

Brought to life by Herman Melville, famed American novelist, and grandfather to that bald guy who gave us Porcelain and We Are All Made Of Stars (who was also conveniently called Moby - coat-tails much?), Moby Dick is an classic period-piece of American literature that we all should take time to read - and digest 🐳.
I for one am glad the beast exists only in story...atleast that was until now.
For lo, I spied a giant white whale on my web-browser the other day, and just like that pious old trout, Ahab, I went after him.
I readied my spear, and I stabbed him.
I reeled in those free spins and I nabbed him.
He thrashed with venom, frothing and spraying.
I watched the reels land, hoping...praying.
'Behold' I cried! not 1 Whale, but THREE?
Caught in my net - how lucky is we?
And there they all are, all in a line...
Dare I say it? A Super-Mega-Big-Win, this time?
I give you 🐳Whalefest2018:
Disclaimer: No Moby-Dicks (or any of his smaller cousins), were maimed or injured in the filming of these almost-epic free-spins.
AlmostDegen also does not support whaling, and other archaic activities, even if it makes for good reading and/or wagering.
@rok-sivante, SHAMELESS PLUG TIME. I also can't figure out how to indent pics / have one beside the other? Is that possible?