Edging Santa by Amy Jo
Hi I am Amy Jo
My Uncle is BbqDad.
This is a rather personal piece I wrote over the weekend. It's about a cam model (me) trying to get thru her day of cat-calls by santa-cizing about making love to Santa Claus
Beyond time
Beyond dreams
There's a moment
The camera sees
The camera sees
A naked me
Dripping drops
From hair unteased
Blood warmed skin
Kissed by arctic wind
Force open pores
To close again
Fragrant scent
In Flower hole
Moist and wet
From depths below
A Misty pool
Concentric rings
Dancing waves
To life flow synched
Just a flick
Just a tingle
Hot spring woken
By one finger
Just a drip
Juicy moist
Sweet sweet wine
On lips to taste
Shotgun smoke
In my heavenly hole
Sweet sweet wine
From my Holy Hole
Let it rain
Let it pour
Sweet sweet wine
From my Holy Hole
Widening smile
Deepening dimples
Quickening breath
Pinching nipple
Finger dipped
In heated pool
Flicking bean
Frickin kewl
Shotgun smoke
In my heavenly hole
Sweet sweet wine
From my Holy Hole
Let it rain
Let it pour
Sweet sweet wine
From my Holy Hole
Jest one moment
Let me be
Only once
I'm Jest Me
Flick that bean
Flood gates rise
XXXmas time
Comes once a year
Then why is Santa's
Sleigh still here?
Santa knows
Santa cares
Snowy beard
Tickles there
In the sky
misty drops
Lights are dancing
Pants are dropped
You want in
You want me
Lick my bean
Set me free
Broken rings
Engorged eruptions
Body shaking
No interruptions
Santa Daddy
Oh dont stop
Riding north pole
til i drop
Oh my goodness
Oh my god
Santa-bate me
Santa’s hard
That's my moment
When i cream
Flick my bean
On Santa dreams
You want in?
You want me?
Then stop the camera
Come to me.
is that you nephew ?

I think I saw her somewhere on internet yesterday