I am of your wild eyes a fond lover
Those that left me restless in day and night
I much adore to cry… when together
We enjoy the charm of a ruddy twilight
I've emerged from heaps of a hushed desire
With a so agonized heart
Questing resort in the shore side
Not knowing that, with my own hand,
The drowning wave I did excite
Since I loved you at first sight
It's been your destination I only intend
Nothing, not even my poems' art
Makes me in your eyes reside
Whenever a wink could be caught
I catch it with a hope
To catch your ghost
In the redolent dream's scope
But fevered I awake
And only stillness and shake
That make my hands shiver
Can soothe my fever
You are my killer
I know it since ever;
So, disguise not in sleeplessness' attire
And kill me not in its name!
Your words paint a vivid picture of longing and anguish, woven into the fabric of love. The imagery of restless nights and yearning for the twilight's embrace carries a poignant weight. It seems you're grappling with the intensity of your emotions, torn between the ecstasy of love and the torment of unfulfilled desire. Your plea for respite from this emotional turmoil is palpable, yet the pull of your affection remains undeniable. The metaphor of being both captivated and destroyed by your beloved's presence is hauntingly beautiful. It's a testament to the power of love, capable of both enchanting and consuming us entirely.