Who? (part 3)
Hi all/whoever is reading.
So, I've posted about my older poems translated into English before. This is gonna be the last poetic post for a while, as I think it hasn't really struck anyone's fancy really. Thanks to those who're reading, though.
Anyway, following my last post about reworking a poem of mine I wrote back in 2001 called Who?, I just couldn't leave it at that, so I reworked the poem one more time.

Here's the most recent rework:
What do you wanna know?
I could walk, I could free the world,
I was able to see from afar
Loneliness huddled into a human
I couldn’t carry one to happiness,
that’s all I could.
I had a spirit that took me wandering,
that got me shipwrecked once or twice,
it never got me buried, never got me
nailed on a century of one,
that’s all I had.
and then, I could run, sprint even,
and then I got myself crawling
mud could soak my pant legs,
it does so now, it does ‘cos it rains.
That’s all it does.
And now I hear people approaching,
footsteps rumble on muddy roads,
and I could only think of that,
and I had no answers.
That’s all.
21 June 2001
Any thoughts?
Have an awesome day!