Oh Soul a Soul I Knew

in #poetry7 years ago

Oh soul a soul I know
Slips quietly into the night
Last throes it held
To say goodbyes
Through lullabies and tears of silence
Illusions fade to black
The loyal guards
Their posts demand they turn their back

Oh soul a soul I know
Slips quietly into the night
The shackles verge on breaking ground
Unwind, unwound
Return to source
The path it lights
And fire ignites a journeys will
With all creation standing still

Oh soul a soul I knew
Slipped quietly into the night



A short poem I wrote for my gran the day after she passed in 2016. I used to write a lot of poetry when I was younger but stopped doing it because there never seemed to be any feedback from society. How sad that we live in a world which rewards so little the depth and creativity of poetry!


Nice poem very free verse and good meanings. I used to do more poetry when I was younger too. Just threw out a free verse poem myself. Feels good.

Yeah thanks man, nicely done too. I get shivers sometimes when I read what I wrote. Sometimes expression is the best form of therapy!