My poetry is my nature Indonesia/#Aceh

in #poetry5 years ago


My poetry is my nature Indonesia
Alam saya nyata. Alam saya bercerita.
Air mengalir, terasa getir, inilah akhir.
Alam bertabir, bebatuan, langkah tergelincir.
Persada alam murka, lahar 🌋 api bicara.
Cukuplah insan murka
Cukuplah batin mu lara
Cukuplah menghukum alam
Cukupkanlah sejengkal mu itu., nafsu.

English language
My nature is real. My nature tells a story.
Water flows, feels bitter, this is the end.
Spots, rocks, steps slipping.
Persada wrath, lahar 🌋 fire talk.
Enough of wrathful man
Enough is your mind
Suffice to punish nature
Make enough of your inch. Lust.


My poetry is my nature Indonesia
Atmosfir semakin menipis tapi manusia menepis.
Alam langit menagis, melihat sang bumi tertidas sadis.
Murka langit 🌈 murka bumi 🌐. Manusia tersenyum 😊 sinis.
Alam bumi, langit, meronta, meminta.
Tiada yang dapat mendengarnya.
Hati 💚 nurani mu mengajak murka.
Seakan lawan selayang pandang.
Tertunduk hancur membawa duka.

English language
The atmosphere is getting thinner but humans are shaking off.
Nature sky crying, seeing the earth saddened.
Wrath of the sky bumi the wrath of the earth 🌐. Humans smile is cynically.
Earth, sky, struggling, asking.
No one can hear it.
💚 Your conscience invites anger.
As if your opponent at a glance.
Downcast brought grief.


My poetry is my nature Indonesia
Gunung bukan pundak
Gunung bukan budak
Gunung bukan telapak kaki
Gunung bukan untuk disakiti
Bukankah rayuan manja mu ada disana
Bukankah hati 💚 mu ada disana
kau perah bagai sapi 🐄. Dia berduka.
Dia bermuram durja engkau, tertawa 😄
Seiring waktu ♎️ terus berjalan 🏃. Dia menginjar mu. Murka menjadi bencana 🌋 menangis 😂 tiada guna.

Englis language
Mount not shoulder
Mountain is not a slave
Mountain is not the sole of the foot
Mountain is not to be hurt
Even though spoiled seduction is there
Really your heart is there
You are like a cow 🐄. He grieves.
He mumbled singing, laughing 😄
During the time ♎️ keep going 🏃. He taught you. Wrath becomes a disaster 🌋 crying 😂 useless.

Thank you and best regards, for all STEEMIT communities
Support me again. So that I can be even better to make written works about nature. This earth 🌐
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