Poetry 365 | Day 212 | Lost Indigo Children
If I were to tell you
that my mind was made up
into ribbons of gold
and sold at cost to a bandit
with no prospects of redemption
would you allocate any
time to the endeavor
or would you just shrug
and walk away from the chaos
as if it were a discarded stuffed animal
lying in the street
waiting for some innocent child
to take pity on it
and lift it from the gutters
rehoming it in a bed shared with
an assortment of cherished monuments
to suburban illusion?
--Stephen Martin, 8/1/19
To streamline this challenge I will be linking to day one for the details. This is a cross promotion of the Steemit and Cent platforms. Visit me on Steemit. Visit me on Cent.
In a nutshell, post your poetry below for consideration in my monthly, online, blockchain, poetry journal.
What's your 365?