This smile is not a facade
Really, it's not
You wonder how I do it, unfazed by your sorrows
As you pour your heart out to me
"You won't understand", you say
"But thanks anyway, you have made me feel better"
Maybe I don't.
You cry of how your shoes got soaked in the rain
When sleep doesn't even save me from my demons
They reinforce them
Still, I swear it, this smile is real
Today is not the day we lose
Not when we've fought so hard, come this far
Your fingers may be short, but longer than mine
Yet I know of several who would trade with me in a heartbeat
So lemme keep my tales, tell you I'm ok
Nothing you need to know about, trust me
I can't let them haunt you, you wouldn't know how to hide it
It's taken me years of practice, after all
Today isn't the day I give up
Not when I've fought so hard, come this far
Strength is all I know, though times come when it fails me
But never fear, for when it fails
I won't slit my wrists or jump the bridge
I'll sink, the pit in me, deep enough to drown in
Misery loves company, you know
The only company mine ever needs, is me
So we will communion until I find the strength
To smile again
Be your hope, again
Everyone has their demons, dear friend