Poems dedicated to my Venezuela

in #poem6 years ago



They say that many years ago, before I was born, my country was different.
People should not have documents to prove that an Earth belonged to them, they did not even need fences or large walls, they simply belonged to them.
The cattle walked in the street, they knew who was the owner and everyone took care of it as if it were their own, until returning it to its owner.

The Venezuela that I did not know say that she was a model, that she received everyone.

The Venezuela I did not know was capable of having children who, although they did not know her either, today are giving back to each one what belongs to her, becoming even more powerful, blessed and loved.

Thus, the Venezuela that I did not know is different from what it will be, because it will be built on what once was next to the desire of the children who are creating it today.

Go ahead Venezuela, the road is ready for you.


Venezuela is on its way to happiness,
full of faith, because their children have grown,
full of impetus, he knows he wants,
full of hope, because his heart is full of brotherhood.

Venezuela advances on its way with the certainty that everything will be fine,
for he knows that he will find freedom, peace and happiness.

Venezuela knows where it wants to go,
and she knows that her children are with her.

Adelante Venezuela,
Your path is ready and open for you,
take the gift, God with his hands prepared it especially,
for he knows that your heart is made of kindness and love,
and your children are full of talents.


The Venezuela that I like is gentle, noble, abundant.
The Venezuela that I like is surrounded by huge seas and within them there are great riches.
The Venezuela that I like has a pleasant climate, a beautiful sunrise and great sunset, of which I like to be a witness.
The Venezuela that I like is beautiful, for this and more, I recognize that I like to be Venezuelan.
And you? What do you like about Venezuela?


Dear Venezuela:
You are an immense sea, in which there are millions and millions of drops,
just feel and love you, I am part of your sea, wherever you are,
I see you and I feel you in my heart.

Thus, seeing in this countless sea, I observe:
how much talent is contributed to your growth,
how many hearts work for you to make you grow,

how much brotherhood in your inhabitants that exalt your essence,
and so, Venezuela, I see you in light, because that is what you are.


Taking a look at my Beloved Venezuela, I have noticed:

Birds that fly without knowing that down there are humans who want food,
seas that flow without knowing that there are parts without electricity,
truths that arise and unintentionally collide with more than one;
my Venezuelan voice that speaks and can only say: "Venezuela you are great",
Well, Venezuela, your splendor we have already known: What if we take it back?
or better yet, what if you take out the light you've always had?
That sea of ​​abundance that has bathed us all,
that human warmth that everyone loves,
that passion that comes from Venezuelan talent.

Venezuela, you have blessed children, children who build for and for you,
What if we see the message behind all of them?
What if we see a new focus on you?
so, maybe, your light grows and expands,
shining, flashing and wrapping everything that is in you.
And so, beloved Venezuela, I see you in light, because that is what You are.


Venezuela, you are the cradle of my birth,
Every time I hear your name my heart gets excited;
and that is, as long as I listen to the tune that that Spaniard dedicates to you,
my eyes are filled with tears.
My dear Venezuela,
Years have passed in a strange and unrecognizable haze.
many do not ask: "my beloved crib, what has become of you?"
and it is that your my dear Venezuela,
you're just grabbing momentum to be a wonderful and wonderful woman,

worthy of being loved and lived
and although, at this moment in history, it may be that for some you are not, I already love you.


I wake up and let go of a smile recognizing that you are,
I feel the breeze of my region and my heart is kindled.

I listen to the singing of the birds and they remind me of the fluidity of nature,
I recognize that I chose to live in the middle of a paradise which is located in a beautiful country called Venezuela.

And before so much wealth, why be sad?
If I have inherited a beautiful crib, a beautiful example, a great opportunity to live.


A new dawn is brewing in Venezuela,
a rich country, forgotten by its children,
who suddenly ask: -Where are you Venezuela ?, Where did you go?
and the truth is that he has not left,
it is only Recognizing itself to show itself again in all its splendor.


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