in #poem7 years ago (edited)

While the world sleeps, I'm woke. The night and I joke... of our unspoken.. agreement.

I won't leave it, and it won't leave me. For we ... are in this thing... together, and always will be.

Sleep is for the hive-mind, the eight to five kind, who wear their norms like a cheap scarf.

I've transcended the common ways, kissed goodbye what we call days, for an eternity in the dark.

Has it been an eternity? I cant tell anymore.

The night and days blend, light and dark bends, and keeps my mind unhinged.

It's at night the city breathes, with vigor and life, while the old parlay, the young come out to play.

And I see all.

The sex. The lies. The malice. The cries.

people show who they really are when the day says its goodbyes.

Everything is made clear to the ones who watch the sleepers. Unburdened by the rules of the sun, we see what you try to hide.

The dark side, your secret lives, the things you don't want brought to light.

And the price for our gift? Our sight beyond sight? Are the dreams we've given up to the night!

(Poem inspired by Swimming Pool - Catcall)

If you dug INSOMNIAC, you should check out my poems





Thank you for this @trendhobo and I love the video which sets the tone for living life at night which I do as well and have done for about 10 years now. I make a joke about it saying that I am on another country's time zone and maybe I should be living there. Yes we are the dreamers of the dream, dreaming the dream within the dream which is the true reality.

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