miss greet you
When the rain comes to the earth, a sense of coolness also comes wetting.
A drop of the banyu longing still presents a fragment of the goddess's charm.
Halimun rolls are still thick with the air covering themselves.
Jagat god batara, still can i greet to ayu puspa goddess.
In the ruins of desolate valleys.
I painted a heartbeat in the rainbow's curved color.
Falling in love can not touch your love words.
It's been a long time since I've been wandering to knock on the door of your heart.
In the garden candra kartika I write the words - say hello miss.
I was fascinated by the wild stare of the word durjana.
Minor and my spoiled looking sense.
A sincere feeling to greet the ladies longing for love.
For the sad love and love ...
I lie in the dharma cipta prayer.
For the Mahatama the ruler of longing and my eternal love....
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