My Nascent Sun

To my in love soul, an oriental queen seemed, waiting for his lover, under a sky of flower of lotus that takes care of my residence.

Of the eternal muses the Chinese kingdom I covered, under a blow of vast inspiration, my soul obtained the breather that I was lacking, his secrets and temple of vision legendary along it was walking, where the warm oriental spirit was coming to my heart.
That blessing of the life and injury came up as another culture with his words it has perfume, soul, color, I was feeling as a shy pigeon coming to his new nest.

The dragons and center of meditation gave him another sense of life, reign of singings and poetry, like magic fragrance of the delight of this culture, which so much they must teach me.

To looking at the Chinese molinería, in his sceneries, I feel that air caresses and kisses me as a lover of lost goddess, who knew the nascent sun, which he was lacking in this life.