Advice from above

in #poem7 years ago (edited)

Our Chance to make Things better, don`t lets miss it..............."Rise Up"............Spread the word, "we are the ones we have been waiting for"

Europe Rise Up and choose LOVE not fear.

The promise of no more wars,
after the world war had passed.
Still ringing in our ears and in our hopes.
Then why is the world, the world all around us, in continous war.
`cause our level of consciousness just stayed the same
and never could change the way of the game.
The sadness and harm, that has been done,
to many a man, woman and child, all over the globe.
Never registered, never dawned on us, it was too far away.
But those that must witness our wars fought abroad,
are hurting inside when their loved ones have died.
They cannot change the game, because the aggressors from afar,
are dictating the war.
Killing and destroying for democracy and peace. They lied

The hurt and the pain in the lands far away.
Was felt on the mainland, in America, New York, on 9/11
The bombings now here, `cause we bombed lands afar.

The people distraught, sad and bewildered, crying for their loved ones.
But America stood up and refused not to die.
With the pain and the hurt, still eating up inside,
they chose the path, the path of revenge.
They chose the path of war.
They stayed on the level of consciousness
their low densed frequency, steered by their fear.
At the same level of conscioussness, the problem won`t go away.

So I say to you in Europe.
Take heed, learn the lesson from the Americas, from Washington.
They refused to lay down,
they stood together, they stood strong.
They did not stop bombing, they did not stop killing
and cause they didnt rise above,
the consciousness that bought war
it did not change anything, it only bought more.
So now that the pain and the hurt is now here,
here on our mainland, in Europe
please don`t choose a path,a path steered by your fear,
by your anger,and stay in the war.

When the pain and the hurt, the heartache and tears,
have dried up and gone.
Start to look deeper, deeper inside,
and unwrap the layers hiding your soul.
The layers of hate and of anger and hurt
The layers of fear, of ego, of want
and you will find LOVE, because you are LOVE.
And the LOVE that you find will connect you again,
to the web of life and to all that is, and ever will be.
So I say, raise your consciousness, because it is what man needs.
To rid him of wars.

We will not fight wars for peace !
Like we will not fuck for virginity !
We will not put out the fire with a fire, it just will not work.
And we will never end a war by going to war
So raise your conciousness now, to a higher level and move on.
Search for that LOVE, that LOVE that`s inside,
and live in a world, a world beyond war.

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