Pocket Silver Challenge - Wedding in Detroit
Louis and I are currently grilling steaks in the backyard, but yesterday, I headed down to Detroit for my cousin's wedding. And of course Louis tagged along.
We got all spiffed up and he helped me pick out a tie. He just wore his normal outfit, though.
The wedding was at a really cool venue on the roof of a 7 story building downtown. From the top you could see Comerica Park, which is where the Tigers play. There was actually a game going on while we were there (we root, root, rooted for the home team, but they didn't win. It was a shame. ☹️).
You could also see the People Mover, which is an elevated monorail that hits some of the main spots downtown.
There was also this really cool mural on the building next door. I've seen it loads of times but was never this close to it.
After the wedding, we walked through the MGM Grand Casino on our way to our car. Even at midnight there was a lot of activity.
It was a great trip. I got to see some family that I haven't seen in awhile, shared some laughs and some excellent food, and got to wish my cousin success in his new stage in life. Cheers!
I was never at Detroit but now I know it a little. Thanks for the trip.
It seems like Detroit's really coming back. For a long time the city itself was in decline, but being there on Saturday night and seeing all the activity, it's clear things are turning around.
Try putting that in one of the Slot Machines... lol...
No thanks! I don't want to risk losing something with actual value.
Out of Curiosity, what have you been using to Measure Value...???
Depends on the situation. In this case I derive value from the experiences I've shared with this particular silver bar.
Nice pocket silver pics! Looking classy.
Thanks a lot. I don't get dressed up much, for weddings the suit comes out.
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