New One Earth Starborn Mission Pleiadian - Inner Earth Message|Blue Ray Ascension Shift Update
💙 Featuring ~ Shekina Rose ~ She is the Channel of the Blue Ray Transmissions and a very powerful yet gentle divine healer. A Blue Ray, intuitive empath, clairaudient, claircognizant, clairsentient, clairvoyant - Who facilitates Private Sessions, Soul Readings, Divine Activations and Light Language Sound Performances.
🎙️💓 This narration was produced independently, with love by Receiving Love -
💎 Articles As Narrated:
New One Earth Starborn Mission Pleiadian/Inner Earth Message 2018
New One Earth Shift Keys: Your extended aspects through your higher self, lineages’ multidimensional expression are coming to you for awakening its the ascension, the shift.
Shift Keys Blue Ray:Your mission of empathic telepathic nature to tune into the unity field is a divine power for yourselves and the earth. It is the foundation for the Energy portal structures of the frequency of the One New Earth.
New One Earth Shift Keys: Love is the key, the new earth body chakra the higher heart 333 and the Soul Star with Gaia talk to Gaia.
We, the Pleiadian Inner Earth, are a team of a light consciousness field that wishes to establish peace and harmony with life and the interdimensions. We care for life, we care for you and love you. You are a part of us; we are kindred Light Earth Star Family.
Our message is of the One New Earth: many of you are familiar with the unity consciousness field, your extended aspects through higher self, lineages’ multidimensional expression of the angelic, nature, dolphins, fairy, dragon realms, extraterrestrial Intelligence, galactic and groups of which you are a part and co-creating this time/space of the One New Earth of peace and ascension.
Frequency of the One New Earth-One Humanity
Events and circumstance will be quickening now and till 2020. You are in another gateway and timeline astrology cosmology of a sequence of events to occur for your ascension and many of you may experience the traversing in and out of the dimensions, where you feel the high and then the ungrounded out-of-alignment. “Where did I just go, and how do I get back there; and where am I now, and where is here?”
You are being shown how to connect into the frequency. How to stay connected and align through the interdimensional planes. Your higher self is guiding you through the Divine Plan, Divine Principle of One. Stay tuned-in and trust your empathic intuitive body as your guide.
It is imperative that you know who you are, your divine sovereignty, for the coming events. Your mission of empathic telepathic nature to tune into the unity field consciousness alliance will be the awakening of a divine power that you put into place long ago.
Why we are making more contact in a new way of awakening your God essence DNA is so you may know and be aware.
There is an increase awareness and awakening of your avatar ascension bodies,
Who we are Aree, Maree the One Earth, is an aspect of the New Earth; it is really not new but rather the unity consciousness unveiling where disclosure of Truth is being revealed of a grander expression of the Divine human and your holy sovereign power and rights.
The New Earth is a time line reality of galactic and cosmic alignment of multidimensional existence; your DNA is expanding and awakening to correspond to this response patterning and reality of consciousness: (Love); Light (Understanding); Peace that surpasseth human understanding; and Harmony (Sustained Unity Consciousness).
We are the alliance that wishes for peace and for you to know you are precious in your part of that fulfillment.
You now exist with an expanded consciousness field of unity, your God essence real and true. You are that aspect of the Creator God experiencing physicality; in the compassion of love for all beings you will evolve in your sovereign nature. This is the heart of Mary, the compassion of Kwan Yin, the Light of Christ and Sanat Kamara, the peace of Buddha, the Joy of passion, to know life serves you. Many of us exist in this unity consciousness field.
We know many of you have felt alone as you were left and abandoned; know it was designed that way so you would find your way back to the true home of Light and truth, not only for yourselves but for all humankind so that Love and Light may prevail.
You are and were never alone. You exist already in this unity field—allow this unveiling of who you are—your true essence. You are greatly and immensely loved, completely accepted and treasured; you are beloved beyond measure. Creation cares and honors you. You are learning how loved you are as you learn to relax, accept and love your unique self.
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Blue Ray Sacred Divine Feminine Heart:
Unity/freedom Who You are Separate from the Group Mind/Service and Relationships. We are Both Expressions Serving the One. The Rise of the Beauty of the Sacred Divine Feminine Soul of Gaia.
Who are you now ? Since the beginning of the new year a host of immense expressions of energies have flooded in. Aspects of you, your connections where you have been, what you are still connected to though wish for a shift and new direction. You may experience the wavering of high new insights and expansiveness of who you are, a new strength. And wonder how that fits into who you are now.
Your unique energy can be muffled by your service to the One, to the Light, which is very much for some of your identity. It is your soul's purpose, yet their seems to be more that wishes to express. And as for the Old Souls who may feel a bit tired and drained, Joy and Freedom wishes to renew your spirit, dreams and creations apart from the group, family and service.
And yet your unique passions, dreams and wishes serve the Mission, its part of your higher purpose. It adds sparkly and delight necessary energy that makes greater connections and understanding Because you honor life. Those silent needs of your desires and dreams. What makes you happy the small and the larger things?
The sacred divine feminine can be many aspects and expressions in its part of the One interconnected to all that are important. The lost aspects of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation are arising in the embodiment of the world-soul body template. The resurrection access of new love, relationships passion, beauty, a new foundation and stability The sacred Divine Feminine loves her Divine Male. When he honors and supports her allowing her to be the essence she is, in return gives him the world and Treasures of Creations he could not know by himself.
The Sacred Divine Feminine and Divine Male are realigning and getting reacquainted for glorious creations together each honoring, respecting and valuing the uniqueness of each other. Gaia's great love is the Sun Solar Ray they make love of harmony resonance that creates life for Earth and Creation that is expressed throughout the Galaxy and Universe.
A wishing for expression of yourself to unfold a new unveiling of self. This may come in many forms, allow yourself time honoring your physical expression, new colors, no routine, a new routine being in the presence of who you are and loving all parts of you knowing they have all served and you get to choose from here and now.
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Blue Ray Ascension Shift Update ~ The Integrating and settling of the Frequency Holders Transition to the New Earth
Timeline Shifts ~ Ringing Tone Frequencies in the Ears,
Many of the New forerunners Frequency holders of the New Earth are still allowing the incoming sacred frequency to settle and anchor. You may be feeling and sensing new information, insights and pathways about your purpose, Galactic missions, origins and spiritual gifts.
There is a renewal of inspiration for a new direction for you to share and express your unique gifts of the Creator. You are being given signs, signals and affirmations that you are a part of something greater a higher divine plan. Where an enhanced support field for your reason for being here on the planet is increasing, a connection with your divine, inner power and spirit guides.
Timeline Shift A choice to make
Some maybe experiencing shifts in the time line. Where there is a sudden time lag, as if time stopped just for a half of a moment though in that space you expand out of time to inter dimensional space. This is where you sense an increased in your extra-dimensional awareness and expanded vibrational resonances. This gives you an energetic imprint marker on your journey of life and that you have a choice to make. What is being given is an upgrade expansion of your Divine Blue Print
You are learning how to consciously astral and time travel as time keepers of your own destiny. And maybe the reason why people have suddenly left or entered your life and or why there could be conflict with others.
333 The ringing tone frequencies in the ears,
The New Earth frequencies of the ringing tone frequencies in the ears or hearing musical tones that comes and then goes away. It will usually be on only one of the ears. This can be that your frequency is shifting and expanding a recalibration to a higher frequency capacity.
This can also be a sign of contact from your guides/ the Universe, about your ascension and where you are receiving spiritual downloads.
{Always check with a health care provider" to rule out any medical or physical issues}.
Notice if you have emotions that come up that are intense this can be and energetic block allowing you to transform so you can progress and increasing your vibration frequency. Allow, breath, let go, release to love, and forgiveness all attachments, cords, control agenda, soul contacts that are not where you are now in your highest good of your sovereign self.
Honor the process of the anchoring of the alignment with your own unique personal frequency with the cycles of Gaia. As your body maybe shifting, integrating with clearing toxins, programs and emotions where you will need down time and resting. You will know for how long and when the Universe is calling you to act and remerge.
By doing so you are working with the sacred divine feminine and being natural Gatekeepers for the new Earth Grid by the flow and transformations that are happening through you. The sacred divine feminine healing of balance is remerging through the higher heart of the crystalline light body and grids of Gaia.
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Blue Ray Peace Emissary Ascension update
New Earth Message from Sedona AZ. Vortex
**~Elohim Crystal Guardians Universal City of Light
We are the star travelers from the planetary Crystal City of Universal Light, the star light essence of the Elohim communions through the light circuitry and ley lines of the crystals of Sedona. Our convergence is awakening the cells of the Christ/crystalline DNA light template crystal codes of the frequency steward anchors of the New Earth Planetary Divine Holy Matrix.
We are here to assist in the name of Gaia. Through the Golden Age of Atlantis and resonance fields of Lemuria, we have had many names throughout time and space. Our appearances were to help you remember your way back home to Source—the light of your ascension—when a certain timeline and structure grid would form on your planet and where there was a choice in choosing your future.
There is an awakening happening through the vast networks of the crystalline structure of communications through the gridlines of Gaia. It is a way the Crystal City of Universal Light is coming online. The crystals of Gaia are awakening across the globe to higher dimensional and ethereal communications.
Re-emerging presence of the Shekinah, Sophia, Isis, Hathor, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene for the universal blueprint awakening
The sacred divine feminine essence is giving a structure, a bridge of support through the crystalline gridlines for the re-emerging presence of the Shekinah, Sophia, Isis, Hathor, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, who carry universal blueprint awakening for the embodiment of the sacred divine feminine.
The vortexes of Sedona are access points of the ley line grids assisting with the current wave of consciousness that connects the heavenly and celestial bodies to Source through the consciousness field. It is an immense portal stargate system of interdimensional, intergalactic, interstellar and time-space travel that occurs for the planet.
Twin Flame overseers seeking reunion in their harmonic calling of home
From the ancient great divide, where a separation from Source occurred and the twin flame split, there are also overseers seeking reunion in their harmonic calling of home for balance of creation and connections to occur for the New Earth. The star, galactic, Angelic, Christos, Essence, and soul families are experiencing a calling of reconnection in creating an enhanced conscious support field of awakening together.
Gate keepers, Starseeds, Blue Rays and Wanderers calling to Sedona
Many of the gate keepers, starseeds, Blue Rays and wanderers have been called to the land of Sedona for the enhancements and exchange of the amplified field of the stargate portals of awakenings. Millions come to visit the Sedona Vortexes, others are called to live in the Crystal Temple city. Most are unsure of the exact reason why they are here, though it is an immense soul calling exchange from Gaia from Home Source and from their soul families. They arrive for the exchange and to bring into existence universal galactic portals of the New Earth of the multitude of different levels of higher dimensional conscience connections. They assist by bringing this back to wherever they live on the planet.
We have formed for the new age to assist in the crystalline structure grid of Gaia. From the Golden Age of Atlantis, now the resonance we carry is from the Crystal City planet of Universal Light.
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Return of the Black Madonna: Our Lady of Montserrat, The black Madonna is returning, as is the revelations of the Mother tongue. In the Tablets of Thoth and The Keys of Enoch "The lost Enochian knowledge reveals the mother tongue as a "language of Light"
Black Madonna the kali-Mother. The black womb of light of which all the worlds are always arising and which they fall the presence behind all things.
She is a manifestation of light and love and all that is right in our lives. She assist us in the transcendence to the light , the places that have been pain that the soul can’t comprehend to be released. What no longer serves us. Dark Feminine grace of the womb the portal for beings (souls) to come THROUGH us in to this earth realm. A gateway portal for your rebirth and spiritual awakening. Black Madonna as a symbol of healing and wholeness.
The Black Madonna images are among the oldest Madonna images in the world and has to do with symbolic meanings and connections to early goddesses."The shrines and images of the Black Virgin have an undeniable spiritual power. ~ I have been called by the mother to make the black Madonnas in the Pleaidain stargate pendants. More are being created the Black Madonna stargate shrine pendants miracles transcendent to the light ~ Shekina Rose
The Black Madonna calls us to our Divinity which is also our Creativity. First, our Divinity. Because she is a goddess, the Black Madonna resides in all beings. She is the divine presence inside of creation. She calls us inside, into the “kingdom/queendom of God” where we can co-create with Divinity and feel the rush of Divinity’s holy breath or spirit.
The Black Madonna calls us to Diversity. There is no imagination without diversity—imagination is about inviting disparate elements into soul and culture so that new combinations can make love together and new beings can be birthed. Because the Black Madonna is black, she addresses the fundamental phobia around race and differences of color and culture that come with race and ethnic diversity.
Crow Mother and the Native American Hopi spirit
A connection between this Madonna and the Native American Hopi spirit, Crow Mother, another face the feminine divine wears.
“She is Crow, black as the night sky and the richest soil, dark as the miracle of deeply watered earth in the arid Southwest. She is the mother who fertilizes all life. She visits Hopi villages to initiate the young in the predawn winter darkness. She is the Keeper of the Balance.”
Crow Mother comes from the spirituality of the Earth as does the Black Madonna.
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For Black Madonna pendant shrine, Pleiadian Stargate technologies -
Shekina Rose Official YouTube Channel -
Audio Voice Over is Copyright Receiving Love
Cover image is unknown artist Please let me know if you recognize it.
Outro Image is by Mary Angelico and Shekina Rose. Visit Mary's beautiful website there -
Writer's Copyright © Shekina Rose:
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission/article on the condition that the content remains complete and intact, and full credit is given to the author(s), a link is provided to author(s) website, and the information is distributed free of charge -
Intro Music is 'Crystal Caves in the Mountain'
*by TeknoAXE: Matthew Huffaker: CC by 4.0
Outro Music is 'The Bluest Star' *by The 126ers: CC0
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