Seven Simple and Easy Methods to Decrease the Quantity of Harmful Plastic Waste

in #plasticlast year

The claim that most plastics are recyclable is not entirely accurate. Many plastics cannot be recycled into the same type of product and instead go through a process known as "downcycling". When you observe your surroundings, you'll notice that plastic is present in nearly everything, which poses a significant issue because, as previously mentioned, not all plastics can be recycled. Consequently, some plastic is simply discarded and eventually ends up in the soil of agricultural lands, rivers, and lakes.
Reducing plastic consumption is crucial for everyone. Although challenging, we should all make an effort to minimize our usage. In this article, we will provide straightforward methods to decrease the annual production of plastic waste.


Reducing Your Plastic Consumption by 90%: Simple Life Hacks to Try

. Avoid using plastic bags for your grocery shopping

                  Many communities have implemented bans on plastic shopping bags. Instead, they are urging customers to bring their own reusable bags. While these bags may be free to shoppers in most places, they exact a significant toll on the environment. Therefore, it is advisable to switch to reusable cloth bags, as they offer greater convenience for filling and carrying.

. Cease the purchase of bottled water

                Plastic water bottles are among the most detrimental contributors to the environment. By abstaining from purchasing bottled water, you have the potential to both save money and safeguard your health. Consider utilizing a reusable canteen or stainless-steel bottle as an alternative.

. Purchase items from bulk bins

             Save money and reduce excess packaging by opting for a reusable container or bag instead of purchasing pre-packaged items.

. Bring a thermos when visiting the coffee establishment

            When you go to the coffee shop, remember to bring your own thermos or mug. Although the coffee cups at coffee shops may appear to be made of paper, they are actually coated with a plastic resin known as polyethylene. Additionally, the lids and stirrers provided are also made of plastic.

. Frozen foods should be avoided

        Frozen food products undergo extensive processing and often contain an abundance of chemicals. Additionally, they are commonly packaged using plastic materials, which contributes to environmental concerns. Even supposedly eco-friendly alternatives, such as cardboard packaging, still incorporate a thin plastic coating.

. Cease the act of chewing gum

    Manufacturers have started substituting natural rubber with polyethylene and polyvinyl acetate in gum production following the invention of synthetic rubber. Consequently, when you chew gum, you are essentially chewing on plastic. It is crucial to bear in mind that disposing of used gum means adding more plastic to the landfill.

. Please refrain from utilizing single-use cutlery

              To reduce your carbon footprint, consider bringing a reusable set of utensils when going on a picnic instead of relying on single-use plastic forks, spoons, and knives.

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