Plant Medicine- Grandmother Jahé

in #plantmedicine3 years ago


Jahé and Ayahuasca translate into the vine of the soul/ dead/ or underworld.. now why would one want to go there?

If you fear the grandmother Medicine I encourage you to ask yourself. ‘What is scary about meeting the mother entity that gives your clothes, your food, the water you drink, and air you breath. A grandmother capable of sitting you down with a blanket and tea rubbing your feet, and dissolving every seeming issue you have, wouldn’t you want to at least say thank you if you could?

The Grandmother medicine Jahé is only respondent as to your awareness or willingness, therefore INTENTION.

The medicine DOES NOT magically give you an experience, truly and honestly you yourself have to work to bearth her presence within you, inside of you, as a mother would a child. There is pain (l endured (sacrificial vomiting) in the cleaning process along her energy may enter. If and when you are blessed with her presence it is then your responsibility to precisely tell her why you have asked for her presence.

The grandmother first found me in Colombia, like some My very first experience, I didn’t ‘have an experience.’ And quickly learned that the concepts of ‘apprehension,’ ‘expectation’ which are ultimately rooted in fear are a sort of barrier of film/ filter preventing the grandmother energy from entering your auric field.

Since then Iv journeyed with the grandmother medicine In Peru where she showed me the simple roles of Masculine and Feminine. Prior to this experience I was 3 years abstinent, and she showed precisely why, and then sort of rewarded me by showing me precisely the feeling of when male and female ‘successfully achieve’ union through sexual energy. There’s no other way to describe other than SHE MADE LOVE TO ME. I realized not only are humans using this sexual energy wrong, but it is being weaponized against us for strategic reasons. The words associated with this state of being is ‘samadhi’ and ‘Nirvana’
It’s where the concept of ‘Immaculate Conception’ comes from that the Bible refers to. One master describes our current use and understanding of sexual energy is absolutely degrading to our existence.

From that experience I helped 2 medicine women set up Jahé ceremony for 2 months in California and Oregon, my role was gathering the people and the locations, and then moved into space holder with in particular, sacred sound. The medicine communicates with you weeks before the actually ceremony, so she finds me every now and again.

One particular ceremony was an experience of what you could call a “heart activation”, an actual experience within the heart space, an invitation to the ‘kingdom’. The theme of this particular experience kept hinting at “coming home, or go home” but as the realization grew, she was hinting at come home to the heart space often, and even guided my hands into a specific mudra that activated the heart like a signal.


My (Our) Main Teachers: Traveling & Plants (Nature)

In my universal studies, I found out that the heart is a vessel and home of the love substance intelligence that connects all things, this substance is alive and is called many many things, “love” being but one term. In this ceremony ‘I’ experienced actual timeless space of existence within the heart. For perspective, this place was just as physical as a brick home.

What the universe is teaching us is that the heart functions on a different time line/plane, in musical terms this can be seen as the next octave up, so for lack of better words I would describe this space as more liquid and translucent in existence.

There are texts and wisdom keepers that say that the heart holds the spark of divinity, the sacred white fire electronic light of god. Even through science we know that the heart stores and records all memory, positive and negative experiences, all thoughts, behaviors, actions, but does not judge them. The heart contains higher aspects of self, aspects more closely aligned to god virtues and attributes we could say. The heart is the center point of two polarities of energies meeting.

It has been stated that consciousness just is, it’s not expanding or contracting like time/space.



In my plant medicine experiences I experienced different types of sense, just like our 5/7 senses, I could sense the energy space that mind chatter occupies, like data usage from unclosed apps drawing on energy with out concious consent. This is Displaced energy that slows down our computing system, I experienced that it cloudies the road ‘home.’ I could see the shape in a moving line of the voices of the women singing, another sense I had is the inner vision of the actual star galaxy within my body as if I were looking at the night sky.

Mind scatterdness stretches out our field of awareness whereby our point of focus is blurry. No longer visible the solutions resting patiently in the heart, where Any and all solutions and answers are manifested. It is the ‘work’ to weed through the mind chatter and reach a point of focus that illuminates the road home.

It’s not about turning off the mind, it’s about developing a strength in tension to hold in place a point of focus whereby concentration is used to supersede the mind and move into the heart. This work alone make take lifetimes, but we all start somewhere. Taking the necessary steps to embody our words and actions through this love is heart expression.



The medicine showed me 2 ways of taking care of a thought, question or problem. We have the choice to Either project outward that thought/question/problem and let universal law magnetize the solution to us through the mind which can be done and has been the only method taught to us. But With a developed point of focus, the thought/question/problem can be turned inside and we simply knock on the doors of the heart and ask what’s already known, ‘go home’. It’s like going through, rather than around

As I mentioned the medicine kept telling me ‘go/come home’ first, my perspective started from my home town, then to my parents, then of course shifted into ‘come home to the heart often’ those words ‘go home’ took on new meaning with each in pouring perspective. But unlike a city, the gates of the heart take immense patients to be given access

The heart space is command center to all physical functionality be it emotionally, mentally, or physically. The mind is the translator and interpreter of heart functions.
In technological terms everything is moving towards higher processing, and each individual function in the body needs to be tuned in order for the

The mind is likend to be a dial up internet and the heart is surely the always evolving form of internet that will never be able to be recreated. When the grandmother enters us it is like the mind moving from a honey like slow moving state, to a freed super computer like state.


Love is not possessive, love is not selfish, love is not resistant, Love is not personal. Love is a force, love is a language, love is light, love is sound, love is vibration. love is a relationship, love is a bond, love is a communion of support. Love is harmony, love is forgiving, love is music, love is monadic, and true love is multiplied when shared. The heart home is your communication line, your library, your technology link. This is where thoughts become emotions and emotions become feelings. These feelings are the electrical impulses that light the way of life. These feelings are the point of focus that which all of creation spawns from.


The most important part that the ‘new age generations’ are getting caught up on is integration, practical application of what the medicine just showed us. The elders say the work starts after the ceremony. To Maintain this heart awareness, we must make efforts to not just reconnect to the self daily through concentration exercises, meditation, breath work ect. But we can learn to exercise our spirit like a muscle, just like we exercise our physical body towards health. Practicing kindness, happiness, compassion, Health, non-criticism, breath, thought activity is an everyday practice.

Remember all religion will cease when one realizes nothing about god exists outside of us.

We learn to love and agree with the aspect of self that lies in the deep center of the heart. We learn to accept all aspects of the self and lessons given to us. We learn how to practice self love through pure compassion. We Become more intimately involved with the self as if we are meeting an evolved self each day. Developing an actual relationship as if you were dating someone, showing up for that aspect of yourself with gentleness, compassion, care, and joy, showing yourself intimacy in hugging your self as you would another’s


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