4 week-Plant Based LifeStyle to better HEALTH-INTRO to "LifeStyle of the SICK & HEALTHY"
Introduction- "LifeStyle of the SICK & HEALTHY", M.A.Cisneros-Abreu, Plant Based-CAM Research, Education & Practice.
The unique “Four Week LifeStyle Program” suggested in these writings, evolved side-by-side with today’s health warnings, it is designed to guide the reader from a Lifestyle of Sickness to a Lifestyle of Health.
At the completion of this program you will become aware of how Modern Medicine is our best choice for saving our lives and how Plant Based Health is the excellent choice in maintaining our health, what we need is a combination of both to achieve optimal health.
The quality of our present and future health is what this book is all about, in hopes to bring information and awareness so we can begin to alter this vicious cycle of unhealthiness and make a change from a LifeStyles of Sickness to a LifeStyle of Health.
Healthy Lifestyle begins before Birth, before Conception…
Although the information shared in this book is geared to anyone seeking a healthier lifestyle as preventive care. If we want to make a difference in health for preceding generations, we need to begin before conception. The reasons why, is found in recent scientific data from a 2015 Red Cross study on newborns, which places the starting point of damage or prevention right before Conception. The study is a clear picture on how proceeding generations begin their life, much more chemically saturated than their parents & grandparents. The study provides a clear picture of how fathers and mothers past environments, (combined with the exposures and mutations of their parents) is pass to their newborns, setting up their new babies to a life of illnesses, much different that the babies of the 50,' 60’ & 70’s which did not have any of the 287 chemicals presently found on newborns, reported by the study. This is mostly because many of those chemicals were not around, in the 30’s, 40’s & 50’s and not absorbed by early parents, giving birth to healthier babies than present day newborns. Yes, we are living longer, but dying and suffering younger, of illnesses that were considered not long ago as “adult-only” sickness.
This does not mean that we cannot provide a healthier life to our new generation, we can, if we begin to pay attention to chemical exposures in the Air we/they breathe, the Water/Beverage we/they drink, the Products & Meds we/they use and the Foods we/they eat. If we do, we begin to starve illnesses rather than to feed them, by reducing known chemicals in those four areas known to make a difference from a Lifestyle of Sickness to a Lifestyle of Health. Areas in our LifeStyles we can control, this is what the Four Week Program is guided to do.
Babies Health begins in Family Planning...
There are a few easy ways to protect our future children and it starts at the moment we begin to think, of creating a family. We need to step back from all the excitement and realize that the new life will be a product of combined past environment (lifestyles) of both parents, combined with genetic mutations passed on by the new parents from their parents. The question is not what chemicals you or your partner have? The question is, how much mercury, lead, aluminum, pesticides, dioxin, teflon, and any of those 287 chemicals found on today’s newborns, you and your partner have combined, that could be passed on to your newborn's, increasing their risks of today’s illnesses.
We can assume safely, that both parents are toxic chemical carriers, as we all are. You can be sure that the need to begin to look at our lifestyle risks, focusing on; chemicals in; the Air we breathe, Water/Beverage we drink, Product's/Med's we use and in the Foods we eat is paramount to a healthy life. As you will soon realize, awareness in these Lifestyle areas has never been of greater importance, than in our present time. More important than ever if we are going to make a difference on the future health of our children, and if we are planning to live an active healthy long life, yes it’s very possible, if you pay attention and make that change to better health.
Healthy Parents = Healthy Babies
I will always remember a consultation around late 1990, at the FIU clinic in South Miami, a 24 year old married woman, sought information on the possible reason(s) for her having four previous miscarriages with unknown Medical reason. She began to tell me how healthy she eats, how she goes out of the way to be fit, practice Meditation/Yoga, etc.
Then I asked her about her husband LifeStyle and she began to inform me about his unhealthy habits to include chain smoking in the house, fast food eating, alcohol intake daily, etc. What surprised me was that no one was looking at the Father’s LifeStyle, what chemical mutations is he contributing to the birth. It seems like we often think that, the sole responsibility for a healthy birth is the Mother, we now know this to be very wrong, but not all of us are aware of our daily risks of chemical exposures and absorptions. It was around this time I began to realized how important both parent are to the healthy creation of a new life. It was at this time I began to connect evolving illnesses to chemical cocktail exposures, adding the Pre-Conceptual Consultation to my Practice and Education.
Healthy Family Planning
For those planning a family, I recommend, you allow an extra 30 days after the 4th week of the suggested program in this writings before conception, to allow a reduction of chemicals. Making the best version of you and your partner, increasing the odds for a healthier baby.
The Four Week LifeStyle Program we are about to explore is geared to anyone seeking to improve their LifeStyle, in an effort to raise the survival of today’s many illnesses connected to chemical exposures, but most importantly to reduce today’s odds of getting Cancer.
The urgency being the reported Cancer risk of 1 out of 2 for Men and 2 out of 3 for Women. Changing a LifeStyle no doubt is the key to a quality of life worth living.
Beginning your LifeStyle Program is Easy...
To see/feel a difference, I suggest you make your lifestyle changes one week at a time, taking four weeks to complete the program to a healthier life.
1st week, “The Air you Breathe” you begin to improve you home indoor air, which is the best food (oxygen) for your cells. You will learn the hazards of enclosed chemically laced air living and start an exchange from a toxic home known to cause illnesses to a Plant-Based Health Environment known to promote health.
2nd week “The Product’s/Med’s you Use” this is the week you begin to eliminate reduce/replace all chemically based products from your daily use. You will be guided with formulations to make your own products and the health reasons why. This section will save you money plus you will learn to change chemically based home products & their toxic diffusions for Plant Based Products diffusions known for their health promoting properties.
3rd week “The Water/Beverage’s you Drink" you continue the program reducing chemical consumption which reduces inflammation, which in turn reduces illnesses. You will learn why and how to purify your water to make it safe for drinking and what popular beverages are known to feed illnesses. You will learn formulations to make your own Plant Based Beverages with health promoting properties.
4th week “The Food you Eat" in this session you will learn why it is a better idea to use foods to starve illnesses, rather than to feed them. An introduction to Plant Based Foods that makes it easy and fun to begin a change for a healthier lifestyle, that no doubt will increase the odds for having healthier babies, healthier parents, healthier lifestyles.
Incidentally, these FOUR AREAS are the focus of a new joint twelve year(12) study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), American Medical Association (AMA), the FDA and the National Institute of Health, on the accumulative damage of chemicals in our air, water, products & medicines we use, and the chemicals in the foods we eat. They suspect that these could be the cause of the rise in cancer in the elderly. Remember the key phrase is “Accumulative Damage”. The Plant-Based options for better health we incorporate in these writings have their own scientific validations, and anecdotal information, based on their own therapeutic benefits.
In addition the National Institute of Health recently announced the Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program Study. The new Program research will serve to educate Doctors to look at areas highly suspected of causing 2/3 of our illnesses; our Environments, Products/Meds we use & Foods we eat, as well as what is known, as the cause of the other 1/3 of our illnesses, Genetic predisposition and gene activation/mutations, as mentioned previously, passed on by our parents and their parents mostly from their chemical exposure lifestyles. This research will be use to find new safer ways to treat and prevent, yes prevent!, Most importantly, to focus on the causes of illnesses rather than just the present practice of treating the symptoms.
The above mentioned studies by multi-health agencies, clearly underline the importance of our unique Four Week Program information and Plant Based recommendations.
In these writings you will learn how everyday exposures to environmental, personal use and food chemicals can act in concert with one another to cause cancer and many of other illnesses, but most importantly, how to reduce their exposures, improving your odds for better health.
There are a few suggested changes in the Four Week Program, that might seem in the beginning as “too much” to change, and that's understandable, it was not easy for me either, and I did not make the changes overnight. Specially when it came to “Food we Eat” and “Beverages we Drink," since most of the foods and beverages we are addicted to, have ingredient lists full of addicting chemicals, making them not easy to let go. Changes do take time, and it is best that you do take the time for these changes, after all, we are re-arranging a lifestyle of unhealthy habit. I can tell you from personal experience, that some things, do take time to change, and we are great in making excuses to continue our destructive Lifestyles behavior, but once you start, you begin to feel/see the difference in you and your families health and will feel encouraged, as I did to continue the changes to a healthier lifestyle, as you continue your progress on the road to better Health.
I would advise against rushing to “perfection” since the “rush” to change could be stressful in itself and we all know, or should know by now that stress kills. All it takes is the commitment to begin, to reduce toxic chemicals from your daily life, as you embark on the road to a healthier LifeStyle for you, your love ones and hopefully succeeding generations. Remember your commitment is, one change per week, it will take four weeks for the completion of the program.
You will begin to feel the health benefits from the first week, increasing every week. By the fourth week, don’t be surprised if you or your family no longer suffer from many of the illnesses associated with a LifeStyle of chemical exposures, listed throughout this book and blamed for ¾ of Cancer and other illnesses. Your LifeStyle changes begins today with Week #1 to better Health…