Don't Just Wander About In The Community; Make A Targeted List & Pursue It

in #planning7 years ago (edited)

Everyday, hundreds of new accounts are being created. There are hundreds to thousands of steemians organizing meet-ups all over the world. Massive campaigns are expanding the user-base of steemit. Thousands of testimonies by already steemians are drawing the attention of the general public and people are signing up en masse. As all these things are taking place simultaneously, steemit is becoming more difficult by the day. Why?
Because steemit is a program built on the ideology of social interaction. The more we are, the more number of people you will have to socialize with. And how you go about interacting with these people will have a tremendous effect as to whether you succeed or fail. Do you just give up in the face of these challenges? How do you approach things to ensure you remain relevance in the community? Why do most people work so much without achieving any tangible results? The answers to these questions are what the theme of our today's lesson is all about.

The most commonly committed mistake in steemit

One of the most commonly committed mistakes people make in Steemit is carrying out their blogging obligations without planning. Some spend the time they would have used to engage in a more productive activity, chatting in the general chat channels. I am not saying hanging out in the chat channels is bad. No. In fact, it is one of the most effective ways to make friends in the community but overindulgence is bad.
You cannot just be hanging out there when you have not updated your blog for the past three days. What are you doing in the chat room when you have not visited other people's blogs for the past one week? And it's not as if you're a veteran steemian. You hurriedly put up an ill-prepared post just to go hanging out. That's irresponsible! And how do you think you will ever make a headway?

Some people wake up periodically when they like and go to the various post promotion channels to comment and curate posts at will without planning. Some wander about on steemit platform, visiting trending posts to comment and upvote posts with the aim of endearing themselves to the various authors, and getting upvotes in return. As a wanderer steemian who was not introduced by anyone, I was guilty of this in the past. I would go to #health page to look out for the post of @canadian-coconut's post and other trending posts. I would read, upvote and comment. And at the end of the day, nothing. Why? Because I was not consistent. I would do this week and skip next week. So everyday, I keep being new to these people.

Make a list of your targets and go after them while not skipping your obligations to other communities

Are you like that? Do you engage in any of the discussed mistakes? Maybe you're one of those who go about wandering in the community, upvoting and commenting on people's works at random without focus nor aims? Are you getting frustrating right now and quitting seems to be the only viable answer? The beauty of this program is no one owes anyone anything. That I brought you into the community does no mean there is any special commission that would accrue to me. So your quitting means nothing to anyone, more especially when you're nothing in the community.

One adage says, "During a popular market day, no one knows that one person doesn't come to market." So you quitting now that price of steem is about to go North means missing out in the historic opportunity to hit big. God forbid that you would be a story teller.

Most people run into different difficulties on steemit because they fail to plan their actions. They do not have pre-defined course of action to pursue. You cannot establish yourself here by just waking up at will to embark on random upvoting and curating of posts. No one would notice you even if you do that for many months.
For me, the best way to approach this program is to have two lists; compulsory list and non-compulsory list.

Compulsory list

My compulsory list contains the names of accounts or usernames I must visit everyday before I retire to bed. These include people that rank more than myself in all ramifications. Getting the attention of these people is not an easy task and the worst you would do is to spam their privacy with links. They are the big guys, they don't drop their links in the link rooms. So you don't expect to see their links in the link rooms. You have to manually check on the everyday if there any update.

If there's, take your time, read and comment meaningfully. Also try to ask questions in your comment to draw their attention. While doing this, you're also indirectly marketing yourself.

Since I joined this program, I have been working on about 20 persons. Out of these 20, about 4 have followed me. One has added me to his auto vote with very low percentage weight. While about 13 do visit my blog once in a while without actually following me or adding me to their autovote. But I am not giving up. I know sonnet than later, they would come to know that this guy is really here to stay and would have no choice.

So what am I saying? Make your own list and get down to work!

Non-compulsory list

This is not really a list in actual sense of it. It is made of people I meet in the various communities I belong. I could be more than them in ranking. They could also be more than me or we're both at ties. Rank doesn't matter here. What matters here is the seriousness of the individual. If you're the type that's not serious, that doesn't engage others, I will know because your blog will lack activities — comments and upvotes. And when I find out, the best I can do is to upvote you with a very low weight percentage.

If your the type that powers down perpetually, I will totally avoid you because your reciprocation means nothing to me since there is no much SP backing such gesture. Try to be popular among these people because you guys would not remain kids forever. The more they know you now, the more likely they would vote you in the future, when all of you must have accumulated significant SP.

Overall, learn to be patient. Be patient and be active. Once you're active and dedicated to what you do, nothing prevents you from succeeding. Thank you and thank you very much.

Follow @eurogee, the Steemivangelist and the founder of @euronation Newbie's Support Team; follow @euronation

Newbie's Corner

Don't give up. Success is within reach only if you persevere

Starting out in any endeavor in life is always not easy. And so expecting otherwise is therefore an indirect expression of unreadiness in pursuit of any worthwhile goals. This has been the core definition of my person. So in any endeavor I find myself, I usually stayed back even when everyone has left to see if there would ever be a chance for success. Only when all indicators turn red that I would throw in the towel. I am grateful to God that I didn't give up in the face of initial challenges.

Are you finding it difficult to succeed here?

Maybe you are old or new here but you have been finding it difficult to make any headway. Is success what you crave for? Do you want to be taught about opportunity and other worthwhile curation opportunities with special tags? Do you want to join a team with one spirit where the success of members is among the chief goals of its leadership? If that's your situation and you're ready to vote and be voted for, ready to be suspended or banned when you violate our rules, then use the below link to join Euronation Steemians Telegram Group...

Don't Exit Without Voting For Witnesses!

No Witnesses = No Steem Blockchain; If You Truly Love Here, Vote For Witnesses NOW!

Click This Link To Vote Now

Witnesses are equivalent to life and blood of steem blockchain. Without them, the blockchain will seize to function and we will all be stranded here. Click here to read more on why it is important to vote for witnesses



Thanks for sharing this, people need to realize that no one owes them anything, the sooner they realize that, the easier for for them to work hard, the better for them.

Thanks for this piece of advice, you have given me another approach to my success here.

Sure my sister. Please keep pushing harder! Success awaits you here

You make some deep and valid points; I learnt most of these lessons in a slow and grinding fashion by sheer brute attrition over months and months; wish I'd seen this post on my first day lol

Anyway, yeah, it is our duty to provide value to each other that we too may receive value -- and to do so in an organized and tactical fashion.

I also wish I had found this on my very first ain't coming late, though.

No time is actually too late to start working again. I am happy you found this piece useful

@eurogee, you have really hitted it on me especially on the aspect of making it a priority on the accounts you must visit daily, I think this is really gonna be of assistance to me and will also enhance growth process and relationships.



And you too, Mike. Thanks

I've gained something really helpful from this. It's always a challenge to many as to how to attract attention to themselves.
This is the template.

Thanks boss @eurogee

Welcome @largerben. Let's keep the heat on.

Good talk boss. Those were quite some tips. Thanks so much for sharing.

Welcome Sister

Well thought out piece! You mentioned upvoting witnesses, who are the witnesses? Sorry am asking, am a newbie..

Read that section carefully. The link to my post on what being a witness means is also there. Just click and read. Thanks

I am following your strategy from now on, already have a list of 50 people I love here on the platform. Thanks @eurogee!

Your article can really make a difference!

Welcome. I am glad you found it very useful. Thank you

I didn't just find it useful. I think it's the best advice I've got from joining Steemit, and believe me, I've watched a ton of videos and have read a ton of articles on about it.

Thanks for sharing such wide arears of guidance to those especially we the newbies that does not know how to succeed in the platform.From my understanding,steemit is a project that requires individual effort if that individual must succeed in the platform.Every organisation needs a leader and every leader needs a focus and a well defined goal backed with dedication to lay a path for his followers. I must say to all of us under your leadership,"We are in the right path set by the right person".Many thanks

This write-up describes me a lot. Thanks for the sit - up call.

wow great keep it up

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