PLANCHAIN Intellectual Property (IP) Asset Management On The VeChainThor Enterprise Blockchain
What is Intellectual Property?
This is a property category which includes intangible creations of the human intellect. The most common types of intellectual property around the globe are categorised into Industrial property such as patents, utility models, industrial designs and geographical indications of source etc. The second category is copyrighted which consist of literary, musical and general artwork. The intangible nature of Intellectual property presents hardships when compared to conventional property like goods or land.
Intellectual property is indivisible since an unlimited number of people can consume an intellectual good without it being depleted. A landowner can surround their land with a robust fence and even hire armed guards to guard it. The intellectual property, however, suffers from the issue of appropriation. An information producer can, however, do very little to prevent their primary purchaser from replicating and selling it at a lower price.
Intellectual property rights.
It’s a right granted by the government to an inventor or their successor-in-title thus giving the owner the right to exclude others from making, selling, using, offering to sell and importing an invention for a particular limited period. This is in exchange for the public disclosure of the invention.
Copyright usually grants the original creator of a certain invention exclusive rights to it for a limited period. Copyright only covers the form or manner in which ideas and information are expressed.
Industrial design rights.
This right protects the visual design of objects which are not purely utilitarian and consists of the creation of a shape, composition of pattern colour among many others features that make a product look appealing and thus increases the commercial value of goods.
Plant varieties.
These are rights to commercially use a new plat variety.
A trademark refers to a recognisable sign, expression or design which distinguishes products or services of a specific trader from similar products or services of other traders.
Trade dress.
The art that generally refers to characteristics of the visual and aesthetic appearance of a certain product signifying the source of the product to the consumers.
Trade secrets.
The practice, formula, process design, pattern, instrument or information compilation that is not known or reasonably ascertainable. Trade secrets allow a business to obtain an economic advantage over customers and competitors.
Planchain is an Intellectual Property management platform and mobile application which is next-generation and powered by the PlanChain (PLAN) utility token and the VechainThor Blockchain. This platform will be using DLT and the powerful blockchain technology to help manage, protect and monetise Intellectual Property assets in innovative ways.
The main areas of which will be covered by PlanChain will include copyrights, trademarks and patents. PlanChain is going to provide the world with blockchain-powered Intellectual Property asset management solutions which will bring a lot of efficiency and convenience to this industry as it will be endowed with all the great features of blockchain technology.
PlanChain is a platform which is being worked on by a group of individuals who are equipped with all the knowledge about Intellectual Property which guarantees the user of top-notch services. This is yet another sector which will be heavily influenced by blockchain technology once you go ahead and purchase your PLAN token to make PlanChain a success.
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★ Author: jamesndungu1
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