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RE: What Steps Can One Take if They Have Been Plagurized?

in #plagiarism7 years ago

I sent a report to a group called "steemcleaners" ( They are a group constantly on the lookout for spam, plagiarized materials, and the like. They often give users a warning, and if no response is given, they "nuke" the account.

Aside from that, flagging spammers and plagiarized content is always a way to use your vote to send a message that this isn't the culture we want to see on Steemit. It reduces the users reputation number, and sends a visual clue that this person probably isn't contributing original content.

Finally, thanks so much for alerting us to the stolen content!


Oh good, so there is a "something" I can do. I'll save that link. Sadly, this is not the first time I have seen this. The other day I saw where four separate accounts posted the same picture and recipe within minutes of each other.

While this really burns my bum. I am choosing to go have a delightful day with my daughter. She and her husband are treating me to Mexican tonight as a thank you for watching my grand-dogs while they were gone.

Don't I know it, haha! Every time I get tempted to get angry at Stupid Internet, I take my son and go outside and remember what is REAL. For example, last night, we got our first truly troll-angry comments on a youtube video (they went as far as accusing us of being "insults to real homesteading," "cynical posers," and "fake."...for no reason! was just a video of me collecting acorns and my husband milling wood, haha!) But I love the clarity it brought me--I don't have to worry what random strangers think of my family. I don't have to get emotionally involved in the accusations of people who don't know me. I don't care about becoming famous. I just want to share what I'm learning with those who want to hear. And at the end of the day, I turn off the Internet, make dinner with my REAL family, and enjoy REAL life. We get to choose joy! I hope you have a wonderful day. and a delicious dinner. :) :)

Trolls, what a perfect name for them. Sorry they struck, that sucks. At least they failed on their mission. I don't even give those a nibble.

Thank you. I'll save this. Sadly, I'm sure I'll need to use it in the future.

I learned to filter trolls at yt, I did a blog yesterday (link: on how far it went with me....Some go to far and remembering to PUSH keeps me sane...

They escalated to physical damage! How horrible. So sorry that happened to you.

I know I am not the only one, I received several messages from others that the trolls went after.

That's crazy, Weetree! I had no idea you'd dealt with so much garbage from angry Internet people. I've always appreciated your quiet, background-watching moderation in the chats I've been a part of!

Thank You for that, Mods are ignored for the most part till needed.

So sad that people have nothing better to do with their lives. Trolls on YouTube seem to be especially nasty. If you don't have a huge established audience there, You could give dTube a try. it earns you steem as well.

Sitting in the privacy of ones own home without repercussions has allowed the bullies and thieves to flourish, sadly. I suppose they have always been here, hiding. Now they have a new avenue to act on. :(

I think they have been pretty active, but the people lie the steemcleaners are active as well. I think all of us who want this to be a good platform need to be on the watch for this kind of behavior and not let it pass.

Agreed. I reserve my red flag for those abusing the platform.

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