Benefits of a Placement Year at UK University | AHZ Associates

in #placement2 years ago

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One of the most significant issues that students face after graduating from university is that, despite their academic credentials, they lack workplace experience. University courses that include a year of industry experience are an excellent solution to this problem. Along with other UK universities, the Universities of Bath and York offer placement years for many of their courses. As an elective, a growing number of undergraduate programmes in the United Kingdom now offer a sandwich year of work experience. In contrast to traditional internships, which are typically much shorter in duration, placement year in the UK allows students to assume genuine responsibility within an organisation.

Typically completed between the second and final year of a degree programme, the student works for up to a year in a relevant industry. This placement year (or'sandwich year') can provide valuable insight into the working world as well as an opportunity to apply your newly acquired degree knowledge in a practical setting.

Benefits of a placement/ Sandwich year in the UK

• Relevant and recent work experience on your CV will set you apart from other graduate job candidates.

• Many placements include a bursary to cover your expenses for the duration of your year in industry. Most students will appreciate the financial boost.
• If you perform well in your placement, your supervisor may agree to write you a letter of recommendation.

• You will have the opportunity to network with interesting people in your chosen industry. This may come in handy after graduation when you're looking for work.

• You may be able to attend training courses alongside your new colleagues, giving you even more work experience.

• A placement year may provide you with insight into an industry that you do not wish to work in after graduation. Not liking your job can also be advantageous, as it may inspire you to pursue a completely different career path.

The Pros and Cons of Doing a Placement Year


The most obvious benefit of doing a placement year in the UK is that it will improve your resume. This played a significant role in my final decision to pursue it. A full year of relevant work experience will put you light years ahead of the competition, as the majority of graduates will have none. Spending a year in the field allows you to gain both technical and "soft skills," which are increasingly valued by employers. You've already demonstrated your commitment to your career and your ability to plan ahead by staying in school for an extra year. Employers value candidates who demonstrate this level of commitment to their work.

Working in the field for a year before starting a full-time graduate job is a fantastic idea. In the best-case scenario, you'll find a field you're passionate about and want to work in for the foreseeable future; in the worst-case scenario, you'll realise it's not the right fit for you. Even if that were to happen, you would have learned a lot that you could apply to other situations.

You can grow as a person by broadening your horizons and making friends with people from different walks of life, and the job is an excellent place to meet people from all walks of life. You never know what opportunities might arise in your chosen field as a result of the contacts you make during your year in industry. Companies are eager to hire recent college graduates, and some may even pay for your final year of school if you perform well in your placement year in the United Kingdom.

A placement year provides the opportunity to live in a completely different region of the country, or even the entire world. There are numerous options available both domestically and internationally, so combine your year in business with the opportunity to learn about a new culture or way of life.


If your friends are staying at university to finish their degrees, you may be concerned about missing out on the fun of senior year. However, rest assured that your third year will not be filled with wild nights out and lazy, hangover days spent watching Netflix on the couch with your housemates. This is due to dissertations severely interfering with your social life. Although some of your friends may not be present when you return, others may decide to stay and pursue master's degrees or even complete a placement year in the UK.

The first disadvantage of doing a placement year in the UK is finding a placement. For larger companies, the application process frequently involves several stages and can take months. When you reach the end of the process, which typically includes in-person interviews and assessment centres, you will have to travel and may miss classes. Even if this isn't ideal, instructors are often sympathetic and may provide you with the material you'll miss if you explain your situation. You will perform better because you will have a foundation of experience to draw on when applying for graduate jobs after completing similar application procedures during your placement year in the UK.

Some students may have a minor issue because their programme does not include a placement year in the United Kingdom. If you can relate to this and believe it isn't an option, reconsider. Inquire with your course instructor about the possibility of spending a year working in the industry. After all, the instructor has a vested interest in seeing their students' employability improve.

When looking for a UK university that offers a placement year, consider whether the university organises the placement or if you are expected to find your own. Some of the best companies in the UK provide internships to university students and may even hire them after they graduate. Speak with an AHZ Associates representative today to go over your options.

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