New James Alefantis Instagram Images - All Remaining New Photos on Jimmy Comet's Insta w/ Comments
These are all the New Images James Has Posted Since PizzaGate Went Viral & He Went "Private"
This is every new photo that Alefantis has posted as "Jimmy Comet" on Instagram with the relevant comments since PizzaGate broke. Please use these images for further analysis of what these person of interest have been up to and who is connected to these persons of interest.
The most common post he does is the "Instagram Stories", which are 24 hour videos that delete after 24 hours. I don't have these unfortunately. I will try to obtain them moving forward.
Remember all these images are new photos that were posted after the controversy broke. So they had to be far more secretive with the hidden meanings in the photos in case they ever got leaked as they are now. HUGE THANK YOU to the person who collected all these images and passed them along to me to inform the public. A true warrior, who has my gratitude and deepest respect. Though the public may never know who you are, the world owes you a debt of gratitude.
This is all the remaining images and comments. If anything new comes out I will publish it. There is nothing on the internet that is hidden from the light of truth. Please research these images. I will do my own analysis of these images on my own in other posts.
Image 1
Image 2:
Image 3:
Image 4:
Image 5:
Image 6:
Image 7:
Image 8:
Image 9:
Image 10:
Image 11:
Image 12:
Image 13:
Image 14:
Image 15:
Image 16:
Image 17:
Image 18:
Image 19:
Image 20:
Image 21:
Image 22:
Image 23:
Image 24:
Image 25:
Image 26:
Image 27:
Image 28:
Image 29:
Image 30:
Image 31:
Image 32:
The best evidence here is the connections in my opinion. Look at the commenters and the people liking these posts. I already found a Yousef Otaiba connection in the last post:
For a refresher of #PizzaGate see my documentaries on it:
Hard Evidence Against James Alefantis of hosting Child Porn: Link
PizzaGate the UnAnswered Questions Documentary: Link
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On Image 27 he uses the hashtag #werkinit which is the same spelling of ‘werkin’ as the user ‘werkinonmahnightcheese’ aka Jeff Smith who posted images of child-sized coffins and a room labeled “Kill Room”. Alefantis was friends with Smith and commented on some of the strange photos from the now-deleted Instagram account.
“Werkin” stood out to me too for that reason
Hmmmm right away image 7 jumped out to me.
Who is the little boy?
I don't know, but it is a weird photo for an alleged pedophile like Alefantis to be posting.
Exactly why it grabbed my attention.
"But.. But.. But.. Snopesss said that pizzagate was fakeeee..." lol
Ahhh the world we live in. The pedo chain is coming down!
See the link above to the evidence reported to police that James Alefantis was hosting child porn. That server was connected to 9 international servers, with one being Berlin, where Alefantis has another restaurant. It seems strange to me to see the other international locations he is traveling to and wondering if some of those locations are the other server locations.
Woah! Thats great insight... perhaps he's going to shred evidence..... as well as other nasty shit.
Good post, good luck and have a good day :)
Impressive amount of screencaps. Now let's what can be dug up.
Regarding the temporary videos, have you checked archive sites and wayback machine? Would likely need to know the exact day they were posted though.
It's also easy enough to rip any videos from IG and FB too.
Theres one the pizza post , it says "daddy your teasing me with a emoji of two kids and a pizza " . I have to assume if it was a troll thing it would be blocked fast .
The Edible Schoolyard thing is HUGE. Alice Waters founded the influential movement in Berkeley (where I am from and the Bay Area pretty much having been the New World Order headquarters post WW2 until a few years ago). She is the one who gave Alefantis the gift with the inscription "Moloch Maschine." She is originally from the East Coast about 90 min. from where John Waters is from. People need to look into it and find out if they are related. The photo of her on Wikipedia is most revealing. The picture of her is in Berlin at the U.S. Embassy and she is wearing black with a purple accent. She is clearly a high-ranking illuminist as is Alefantis.
The guy tagged on image 19 took a photo in May 2017 of Marina Abramović performing. She's fucking everywhere.
I only signed up in order to give you this photo. (Only took about a month- meh)
Anyway - your image #3 w/ the kid in the street (which actually reminded me of Baron Trump at 1st blush) so this is a pic taken in front of Rick Owens retail store (who is on the friends list).
To me it just says that Rick/or someone else wanted to equate young boys to his store by taking a pic in front of the Rick Owens store.
You all be the judge by the pic attached.