in #pizzagate7 years ago


Investigating an elite case as big as Pizzagate means taking some serious risks. So, as a precaution, many researchers choose to remain anonymous. When these users go dark or become unresponsive, many people fear the worst. While we can’t always tell exactly what happened in every case, one thing we can glean is that these researchers were likely onto something that led their silencing. Censorship often means validation, after all.

Since the research community is so heavily distracted with disinfo and false prophets lately, I thought it would be useful to compile a short list of silenced users and what they were working on before going dark. This list should serve as a kickoff point for researchers who want to move this citizen investigation forward.

Be forewarned, though:

"This sh-t is not something to mess around with people, journalists are murdered for trying to expose companies such as Stratfor and others.” - Voat user Birthdaysuit11, dark for 2 months.

BIRTHDAYSUIT11 - Kept Track of Researcher Friends, Backed up Pizzagate Wiki Files Locally

dark for 2 months - location unknown

https://www.reddit.com/user/birthdaysuit11 (account suspended)

Six months ago Birthdaysuit11 submitted a thread called ‘Where is rebelskum?’ In the comments section, he claimed the users @drainingswamps and @quantokitty were dead. He also claimed he stored pizzagate.wiki locally and that a Raytheon IP spam-attacked the Dyncorp page of pizzagate.wiki. He also cites an attack on the Stratfor page in a later edit.

Birthdaysuit’s last post after asking about Rebelskum was about the statistically-high rates of sexual abuse and assault among transgender and homosexual populations.
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2338994 (http://archive.is/Fbc9p)

It’s not clear what exactly led to him being silenced. It could be that he had one of the backups of the now defunct pizzagate wiki, but he provided good research and info on friendly users as well.

REBELSKUM (Ryan Zimmerman) - Prolific Research Machine, Investigated Dyncorp and Stratfor, Created Pizzagate Wiki

dark for 5 months - location unknown
all his social platforms silent - gab.ai has a pic of a hanged man on it

Zimmerman has the most informative pizzagate posts on Steemit, hands down. When pizzagate.wiki was lost, much of Zimmerman’s research was preserved on the blockchain. His Steemit is a must-read.
Dyncorp Book: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/720268

"The victims in these cases have little to no means of defense or recourse, and may never have the opportunity to live normal lives. We, however, as morally-intact and conscienscious human beings must do something.” - R. Zimmerman

Steemit intro article with Picture of Zimmerman: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@rebelskum/who-is-rebelskum-one-citizen-s-struggle-against-the-empire-and-a-history-of-pizzagate

The Higherside Chats podcast had a great conversation with Rebelskum as a guest:

I emailed podcast host Greg Carlwood from The Higherside Chats to ask if Ryan Zimmerman was dead on March 16, 2018. His response was, “I can officially tell you he’s not dead. He’s dealing with some personal matters. Pass the word along please.”

When asked how he checked, Carlwood said “I made contact with him.” That answer didn’t fully satisfy my curiosity, so I emailed Ryan myself over a month ago at [email protected] to see if he was alright. I have received no response to this day.

Interestingly, after running a whois on the newly-owned pizzagate.wiki site, now devoid of research, it turns out a Man named Ou Yang Jin Hui bought it on 2018-02-28. Presumably, it’s available now at his domain reseller pheenix.com based out of Irvine, California.

I couldn’t find anything linking this person to any pizzagate actors, so this is probably nothing, but it might be a lead worth looking into for other researchers.

It may also be worth looking into some of the threats Rebelskum got during his time as a contributor on Voat. 1.1 years ago, Rebelskum was threatened by user ‘Shilloutok’ who said “Posting your identity was a very bad idea.” and "Found you on streetview already, little bitch."
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1666122/8154223 (http://archive.is/hsZex)

Shilloutok seems to have a background in the military as in one post, he says “You wouldnt last a single day in boots, ya little pussy” to which RebelSkum replied, "I assume you talk about the high-heeled kind?"
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1666122/8154912 (http://archive.is/qQWkM)

There’s no way to tell if these were empty threats or if the user ‘Shilloutok’ eventually did take action. I have no idea. Maybe others will be able to glean something I couldn’t.

Rebelskum was extremely talented. He was driven, a diligent worker, an excellent writer, and a great programmer. His going dark is a tremendous loss and I hope he is only dealing with personal matters as Carlwood claims. Until we get proof of life, I for one can’t be satisfied.

QUANTOKITTY - Preached about getting involved. MSM watchdog. DC Tunnel Diver

dark for 7 months - location unknown


The user Quantokitty was very vocal about how users need to ‘get involved’ with the Pizzagate movement in her comments.
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2146964/10583189 (http://archive.is/BbUuz)

Her last post claimed Seth Rich murder being pinned on Russia stating "Russian subtitles will subconsciously and indelibly link Seth Rich to the Russians” in Jack Burkman TV spot
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2147566 (http://archive.is/ZtQOS)

She was featured in an inquisitr.com article when she “found proof of unfrequented underground tunnels beneath Washington, D.C."

Sure enough in her post history she describes how she "Decided to do some tunnel dumpster diving and unwittingly might have connected key pieces of evidence to solve a mystery."
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1551092 (http://archive.is/BusIc)

Quantokitty was brave enough to get her hands dirty, and crawl directly into the pit of hell in her effort to free children lost to Satanic Ritual Abuse. It would be terribly sad if she fell victim to dark forces herself as Birthdaysuit11 claimed.

DRAININGSWAMPS - Created highly-informative memes and content for all to share

dark for 9 months - location unknown


Pizzagate Card Game

Drainingswamps made the awesome Pizzagate card game. The cards were highly informative about all the pizzagate actors uncovered through collective research. They were also a tickling parody of the stupid game “Illuminatti: The Game of Conspiracy.” “Illuminatti” is a sick and twisted board game that has way too many suspiciously-accurate catastrophe playing cards to be a coincidence. So, it was particularly delightful to see the same design scheme used in a game meant to inform people on the crimes of the elite.

Drainingswamps made fun, informative content about a subject most people can hardly stomach. Finding humor in such darkness is nearly impossible, but somehow Drainingswamps pulled it off. Alas, if Birthdaysuit11 was correct, this may be the last work we ever see from Drainingswamps.

FLYNNL1VE5 (William Allen Shelton Jr., 41 - alias: "Kevin Flynn") - Dug into Occult Aspects of PG, Rothschild Israel, Seth Rich “Psy op"

dark 1 month - in custody of Oregon State Police as of March 30, 2018

https://twitter.com/flynnl1ve5 (suspended)

William Shelton Jr. was shot by police in the shoulder and survived.
http://katu.com/news/local/man-william-shelton-jr-shot-injured-by-police-during-standoff-at-medford-home (http://archive.is/GZU7o)

Jail booking - ultimately charged with four counts of attempted assault and three counts of unlawful use of a weapon at arraignment
https://inmate.jacksoncounty.org/Inmate.aspx?SheriffOfficeNumber=00095541&BookingNumber=1825342 (http://archive.is/ptK2O)

Shelton claimed to Judge Barmack, "I didn’t shoot at anybody and I got shot.” Still, his bail was set at $1,000,000.
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2511439 (http://archive.is/4slHQ)

A 'resident' reported being ‘menaced’ by Shelton with a gun. Police and Swat arrived, negotiated with Shelton, and shot him when he came outside. They cite ‘multiple shots’ fired by him, which seems different from his story. Was he swatted?
http://www.mailtribune.com/news/20180329/one-wounded-in-medford-officer-involved-shooting (http://archive.is/Z0FUb)

Officer Tim Pickins was cleared by grand jury for shooting Shelton. Pickins claims Shelton stated he was on a ‘mission from God’ and fired a shot stating ‘Warning shot… bitches.’ Pickins also stated police body cams had their visual ‘blocked’ but the ‘audio was unaffected’.
http://www.mailtribune.com/news/20180404/grand-jury-clears-officer-in-wounding-medford-suspect (http://archive.is/LXkWZ)

The testimony of police seems very strange considering police tend to unload multiple rounds and kill citizens for far less than the apparent danger they described. The loss of bodycam visual is concerning, too. It may be worth noting that the Oregon State Police are part of a Masonic order.

Oregon State Police Masonic Order


A thread with more of Shelton's work shows him investigating the usual Pizzagate suspects Podesta, Abromovic, and Alefantis but he also explores many other areas. He has a lot of work exposing esoteric connections to child abuse like the Church of Satan, the Esoteric order of the Dragon, and the Free Masons...
https://voat.co/v/PizzagateNoMod/1958222 (http://archive.is/c3sRD)

One of his last messages to user ‘Gothamgirl' says “It has been awesome I did something that will trigger some events and I will either get arrested or I will end up working for the president directly”

Some of his other recent work includes a video where he alleges the Seth Rich murder was a psy op:

A recent Steemit article of his reports how the Rothschilds created Israel and how the “Tribe of Judah” was mentioned in the Bible rather than “Jews”.

Many of his last voat posts were also about how the word ‘Jew’ was not in the original manuscripts of the Bible.
https://voat.co/v/technology/2465717/12288988 (http://archive.is/nIgcZ)

It is difficult to say what would have led armed police to take action at his home, if he was indeed silenced. Did he discover something actionable and unsavory about the Free Masons? Is this what he meant in his message to Gothamgirl where he stated “I did something that will trigger some events” that could get him “arrested”? This is one case to keep an eye on. Hallelujah and thank God we have proof that the user FLYNNL1VE5 indeed still lives.

IDELIVERPIZZA - Raised the Alarm on Censorship of Investigation, Kept Info Alive, Kept the Pressure On

Dark for 1 year - location unknown

https://voat.co/user/Ideliverpizza (http://archive.is/y21Na)
alternate account NEVERHILLARY33 - also dark for 11 months.
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1856684/9090852 (http://archive.is/iNEt3)
https://www.reddit.com/user/NEVERHILLARY33 (account suspended)

The last thing he posted about was investigating Glacier Dental and how the investigation was getting censored hardcore. People speculated it was CIA intervention due to the quick reaction times. User has no luck posting with multiple IPs,
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852247 (http://archive.is/8XZTW)

1 month ago user ‘banusaur’ claims pizzagate researchers were killed and Q is a distraction.
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2446569/12182177/10#12182177 (http://archive.is/9QUfN)

Imposter begins to post as IDeliverPizza a few days after users claim investigators were taken out. A potential imposter posts from the IDeliverPizza account to subverses that the real one never did. The real IDeliverPizza always posted in pizzagate subs. Never ‘politics’, ‘news’, ‘patriots soapbox’, etc.

Also, the imposter spams an ‘alt-right facebook alternative' called voiceanything - obvious doxx attempt.
https://voat.co/v/whatever/2497402 (http://archive.is/nak0t)

Archived 4chan post said IDeliverPizza found a shipping container with children possibly inside. Also states he was working with an Alaskan anon who ‘went dark’.

user YingYangMom reports 3 asian girls replaced with 2 black kids. screenshots differ from original deleted thread. map missing too.
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852139/9067033 (http://archive.is/FcjgC)

Owner was sued in the 90s from original thread.
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852139/9071574 (http://archive.is/yDB76)

IDeliverPizza claims a disturbing review was removed from birdeye.com that said: "My appointment started at 3pm and i didn't leave until almost 1 in the morning! They INSISTED on doing work I didn't want done until i gave in. At one point I started crying and telling them to call my fiance to pick me up, so they INSISTED I let them put me under so i wouldn't feel anything. I woke up that morning in my bed with blood all over my face and no clue what happened. Turned out, they didn't even let me wake up from anesthesia before having my fiance take me home. THEY DIDN'T EVEN GIVE ME GAUZE! I strongly recommend you find a better dentist to go to.”
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852139/9071595 (http://archive.is/wfy2m)

Last post as NEVERHILLARY33 was about https://www.insurhaus.com/ and apparent pedophile symbology.
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1856684 (http://archive.is/fd618)

Voat user Piscina says rate of missing persons reports in Alaska is twice the national average and higher than anywhere else. Cases close with police stating ‘no foul play’ while primarily-indigenous family think otherwise. Claims sex trafficking in Alaska is huge.
https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852247/9068378 (http://archive.is/rZAQt)

IDeliverPizza was clearly a tech savvy and passionate individual, to say the least. Some would call him hyperbolic with his all-caps rants and autistic REE’s all over his posts. However, his sudden disappearance, the lock-step censorship of Glacier Dental, as well as the recent imposter on his account indicate he was likely onto something very big.

Courage and Questions

All of these researchers acted bravely in publishing their work and I pray that they are all safe and protected. It is common for investigators of Satanic Ritual Abuse to be threatened into remaining silent, so it is very possible that is what happened. Some people claim users are dead, but we cannot be certain of that without proof of death. Just as we cannot be certain when people claim they are alive without proof of life.

As we go on to see revelations unfold and friends go dark, let us move with ten times the courage to take investigative risks like Quantokitty, ten times the alertness to monitor our friends’ safety like Birthdaysuit11, ten times the focus to execute like Rebelskum, and ten times the inspiration to create like Drainingswamps. Let us also pray for our brothers who now face trial with the beast system. God save our friends from harm at the hands of the beast, and, most of all, help us rescue all the children lost to darkness.


I found your work on reddit, keep it up.

FWIW, I consider myself somewhat of a researcher and I have been experiencing strangers following me and clear law enforcement entrapment situations throughout all of 2017 in Washington and Oregon, and now I am experiencing the same where I live in Europe.


You will find I have also posted at length regarding research into two other situations, Lori Handrahan and the State of Arizona, both situations where it the evidence makes clear the harm of children has been legalized through infiltration of the agencies tasked with protecting children.

@familyprotection is not what it claims to be also, and I have demonstrated that many others claiming to be investigators or protest orgs on steemit are honeypots of one kind or another.

I have also outed law enforcement operations that make protests and concerts into westworld-style traps. I will also testify to anyone that undercover cops have dosed me with drugs in the hopes it will make it more likely for me to harm people so that I can be discredited and imprisoned.

I left the United States because I was afraid, I have actually lived in a Truman Show like situation and let me tell you, it is not fun and it changes you permanently.

BTW FWIW fuck reddit, that site is operated by the police or something, everything I post there gets flagged or interrogated by day old accounts and no one ever seems to see it. any help x-posting there would be helpful, r/conspiracy would like my work I believe as I am actually living testifying proof the police in the USA dose people. but fuck me, right?

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