10 Things to Know About Conspiracies

in #pizzagate8 years ago

10 Things to Know About Conspiracies

The next time someone yells "conspiracy theory" at you to discount with prejudice any observations about what is happening, be prepared to answer confidently! Here are some points to have at the ready.

  1. They exist.

  2. A conspiracy occurs when 2 or more people plan any aspect of a criminal activity, and then take any action to advance the plan.

  3. US Prosecutors convict people of “conspiracy” every single day in the US. It is one of the most common crimes leading to guilty verdicts.

  4. Conspiracies have existed in all of history, because to commit large crimes takes more than one person’s actions.

  5. Who coined the term “conspiracy theory” and what does it mean? The CIA. After the Kennedy assassination in 1963, investigative reporters began to discount the “lone gunman” theory that Lee Harvey Oswald alone killed the president. As they begun to discover there was more than one killer, the CIA wanted desperately to stop all such investigations. They wrote a public relations strategy document and took it to all the major newspapers, like the New York Times and Washington Post. They advised the publishers of these papers that it would be bad for America if citizens began to doubt the official story of Oswald. They told the papers to decry and discredit these emerging investigations as “conspiracy theories” being advanced by crackpots. It worked. The term has been ensconced as shorthand for “crackpot” and whenever the MSM wants to stifle news, they refer to it as a “conspiracy theory.” Today, the MSM has added another term, “fake news” to paint all independent investigation as crackpot.

  6. Conspiracies are acknowledged decades after they occur. While it is almost impossible to prove current conspiracies, it is equally impossible to deny the historical ones, which eventually are revealed. Would anyone today deny the Holocaust as a conspiracy?

  7. Small conspiracies involve small people and big conspiracies involve powerful people. Three stooges conspire to rob a bank, and three CIA agents plotting to assassinate a foreign leader are only different by the amount of power of the plotters. The motivation to commit crimes exists in small people and powerful people alike.

  8. Governments are not immune to conspiracies, in fact they are hotbeds of conspiracy. If you have never studied COINTELPRO, or the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, or Project Northwoods, or the CIA’s LSD experiments on citizens, it’s a place to begin understanding how common conspiracy is in government.

  9. Whistleblowers are people who expose conspiracies in government or business. In the USA today, these people are all prosecuted by the Obama administration to the fullest extent of the law under the Espionage Law. This is now the standard course, because the Internet has made it impossible for the NYT to squash every investigative story. So today, the law is used to imprison those who reveal government or corporate conspiracies. Obama has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all previous presidents combined.

  10. Signs of covering up a conspiracy. Be aware of how the mainstream media works to protect the Establishment. When new claims arise they will do the following, almost by rote: Instead of writing that there is “no evidence” of something, they will issue a denial that it happened. How can they know something did not happen, if they did not investigate? Flat denials are not a defense of a claim. Next, they will grossly smear the writer or whistle blower, or investigator with unsubstantiated claims of misdeeds, crimes, lies or whatever it takes to disparage them. Rather than take the role of “independent analysis” of a claim, they will issue their own made-up rationalizations, explanations, and interpretations of the claim that make preposterous leaps of logic. Again, that’s the role of a defense attorney, not a newspaper. And finally, they will resort to the last defense, “it’s a nutty conspiracy theory” and “it’s Fake News - nothing to see - move along.” That’s how they covered up the massive pedophile ring in the UK, the massive global child molestation ring in the Catholic Church, and it is exactly how they are covering up the Washington DC pedophile ring operating right now.


I am crazy busy right now with you know what coming right on time, that I have nothing to say except that I am posting and upvoting every single post in this category I can until it gets "accidentally erased"

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