thank you for putting this out I just watched it last night on youtube..I am a huge supporter of Ole! I love his song he now sings as well at the end!
thank you for putting this out I just watched it last night on youtube..I am a huge supporter of Ole! I love his song he now sings as well at the end!
Oh, thanks Namastya - I am a friend of Ole. He is a friend of everyone so I don't want to exaggerate how well I know him but we have the occasional chat. I am going to tell him that you said that - he will love it. Light and love to you from him and his partner Kim. I'm sure they won't mind me sending that to you. XX
thank you I would be honoured, Love and light to Ole and Kim as well as YOU!
Namastya, I have been attacked by trolls. You are a friend of a friend. Would you like to join me researching somewhere else entirely confidential?
yes of course....