Survey sent by Facebook asks "in a perfect world" what to do if a man asked for pictures from a 14 year old girl.

in #pizzagate7 years ago

In Facebook's collective mind, asking an underage girl for photos still happens-- so in their "perfect world" child sex abuse is still possible. Says a lot about them, doesn't it?

The Daily Mail wrote an article about said survey, and I gotta give them props for the little tidbits of information they include which hammers home just how fucked up that survey happens to be.

fb grooming.png

Did you catch that last bit about contacting law enforcement NOT being an option?

How many police and sheriff departments have a Facebook page? How hard would it be to flag those private messages (since they get a copy of 'em anyways... private my ass.) and send a heads up to the nearest police department, as indicated by IP address or other electronic fingerprint? It's not like they don't have the technology or inclination. Or perhaps an algorithm to prevent adults who aren't listed as family members from contacting people who are underage. Just an idea, ya know?

But they won't implement such things.

I'm a suspicious sort. Can openly admit it. I got suspicious when Facebook implemented a way to transfer money from one user to another. Not an outside service such as PayPal, but something in-house. Private. Combined with "secret" groups not found by any other means than a referral from another member, and one can imagine all sorts of shady shit that could involve anything from grooming, to trading child pornography, to watching live streams of child abuse with the ability to directly tip the abuser in the moment, moderated by users viewing the video feed. THINK ABOUT THAT. Do you believe said "moderators" would flag those kinds of feeds in a private group?

Now combine it with that survey about a perfect world where it's expected that people will prey on kids online.

Doesn't paint a lovely picture of Facebook's commitment to keeping its younger users safe.


Spontaneous combustion needs to be an option.

Hi there, I read this piece, and it is breaking my heart, but I am not a good researcher like you. This subject sounds like the Jerry Sandusky of Canada, and the sport of curling.
Thanks for your time, I really appreciate your work.

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