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RE: Media Backlash Against #Pizzagate Has Officially Begun. I'd Appreciate Your Opinion!

in #pizzagate8 years ago

this is not fake, and has been happening for a long time. it is just too horrible for most to contemplate. the earliest that i began to become aware of some of this was 1991, it goes much further back than that. there is much information out there about it. all one need do, is look.
ignoring this is approval of it.


I concur. I, too, have watched these events unfold and subsequently get swept under the rug for countless years. I suppose I'm looking for someone to argue specifics and not, like the NYT, make broad, sweeping, and incorrect statements (although I'd expect nothing less from NYT).
Due to the magnitude of this issue, I have been very cautious in jumping on the bandwagon, even thinking in the beginning that it must be a "stretch" to connect all this. That is, until I began to look into it earnestly. Still, I seek to find some explanation - artistic license, coincidence, et al, and there seems to be no explanation save for the obvious. I'd love someone to show me proof of fraud here. Man, I'd love to see that instead of this.....

we must be careful to not immediately believe in potentially fictitious scandals designed to discredit news of actual events. the use of propaganda to obfuscate the reality of what is happening, is near pervasive.

maybe you are old enough to remember the promotion of false memory, in psychology, to discredit victims of child sexual abuse. there was also a book called "satanic panic", in the early 90's, that sought to discredit the knowledge of actual events that were taking place, having to do with humans victimized in satanic rituals. i believed the book at the time. subsequent years have helped me learn better.

do be careful, but don't let anti-belief supplant true skepticism in your mind. there are things that are not true, and then there are things that we simply do not want to believe.

i, personally, would start by never, ever, ever, never, ever believing anything that is printed by the new york times, ever. also, i would apply extreme skepticism to the huffington post, the washington post, cnn, msnbc, fox, npr, and so on. i use these as sources of what not to believe.

it would be a great weight off my mind to know none of this was true, but there is too much evidence. i have been unwillingly running into information about these horrors for decades now. many who have investigated these subjects end up dead. i have heard about this from attorneys, judges, investigators, there are video interviews with former fbi Ted Gunderson, now deceased, on youtube. much of this sounds crazy, but upon further investigation bears out. there is only so much of this i can stand at one time. if you do look more deeply into this, steel yourself, do not try to do too much at one time. we do not all have the seeming impervious constitution of people like @titusfrost.

good luck.

Thank you for your reply, @lifeworship. We are on the same page, indeed. Yes, I remember Satanic Panic and was old enough to see it for what it was. I do not consume MSM and haven't had a tv in many, many years. As you stated, there is too much evidence here to deny, although many are doing a very good job of it. What is concerning though, aside from the children, is our right to free speech. Sites are being shut down, accounts suspended as we speak, and all seems to be eerily quiet on the #pizzagate front. Very worrisome, imo.
Thank you again for your input!
Peace and many smiles to you

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