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RE: Not a Single Victim Identified Yet?

in #pizzagate8 years ago

Peace, but that's an anceint argument used by gatekeepers to cover up for cult activity. I don't think you get the fact that many victims are killed, and some eaten. These people are expert at disposing of bodies - expert Laurie Matthew has published a survivor's account of seeing someone pushed into a vat of acid.

If you have enough money and power a body is easy to dispose of, particularly if it is a little trafficked child from Haiti that you have used in a ritual.

Catholic Church in Boston?! Germany and Austria?!!! Dead babies found buried in Ireland?!!!
Cathy O'Brien (there is a video available of her having a gynae exam to prove that her abusers had slashed her vagina into a devil carving (graphic - true - indisputable).
Hampstead testimony (linked to Pizzagate)
Franklin Credit Union

I could go on. I'd advise you to do some homework, my friend.


Can we be logical? I DID my homework. I found not a single claim of any victims yet. I studied the Oklahoma cases and the Catholic Church cases and the Jimmy Saville case. In all cases there were victim claims which advanced the investigation. I just don't see it. And asking about it is no sign that I am underming anything. If a little intelligence and logic somehow ruins your case, it must have been very weak. I have no doubt whatsoever that large pedo rings are operating in the USA.

OK, redwood, what about the babies found buried in Ireland for a start?

You're asking very important questions - thanks.

What logic connects babies found in Ireland to Comet pizza? I don't see it. I DO understand that pedo rings are operating all over the world, but if we are looking to bust THIS ONE, we need evidence that logically ties to these people and places, no?

Oh sorry - are you talking just Pizzagate or SRA in general?

Sorry - my misunderstanding. Would you not count Cathy O Brien (acknowledged and gagged as a whistle blower by the US govt "For Reasons of National Security" - as I understand it) as a victim?! Cathy goes into detail on Hillary and others.....

Well, she made her claims in 1996 about events even earlier than that. I would think that if Comet Pizza is operating a pedo ring with Podesta, there must be recent victims, near victims, witnesses, participants with incidents in the past 24 months or so. If there aren't, there's going to be no chance to get law enforcement involved. The police aren't going to accept a claim based on Cathy Obrien.

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