Danny Elfman: J'accuse!

in #pizzagate7 years ago

Oh Danny boy... I bet you can feel it. It's coming. For so long noone was paying enough attention. Now you're probably thinking it. Surely someone will connect the dots soon. After seeing your friends picked out one by one it's only a matter of time until the detectives spotlight gets shone in your direction. Are there any skeletons in your closet?

I mean, after all, most people being exposed so far didn't do anything nearly as blatant as you have. When everything is put into proper context, it really starts to paint a vivid picture of you, and it's not pretty.

I assume most of the people who read this will not have much background I am going to save the "best" (worst) for last.

Danny Elfman is most famous for writing one of the most cherished opening credit music in TV history:

Additionally he writes the musical scores for all but three of Tim Burton's movies, in most of which Johnny Depp features as well.


There have been hints in the Q anon messages about Disney and Alice in Wonderland. Those who have researched MK Ultra know how closely it connects to all of this occult stuff the elite is into so this movie is interesting for this sake alone. In it we see much of the classic Illuminati/masonic symbolism that is to be expected from such a film. Checkered floors, monarch butterfly and the all seeing eye all make a cameo.

The author of Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll was widely rumoured to be a pedophile:


Here we have Johnny Depp licking blood of Marilyn Mansons breast. As you do:

And here he defends people convicted of satanic ritual murders, apparently there is a movie about how it was all a conspiracy. While I can't give a stance on this since I haven't properly investigated at this point, maybe they were framed? Either way it is noteworthy in this context:

I couldn't help myself so I watched a documentary about the case and it does seem it's possible they were innocent of the murders. But I don't think it's nearly as clear cut as Depp and other celebrities supporting the "West Memphis 3" make it out to be.

Natalie Maines even boldly claimed there was "absolutely no evidence connecting them to the crime"... except the audio-taped confession of one of them. And a multitude of witnesses saying they had confessed to them about committing the crime, as well as contradictory statements made by the defendants. The alternative theory is that the bodies were not mutilated in sadistic satanic manner but by turtles in the water were the bodies were found. Apparently DNA evidence indicated that they had not been at the scene. Additionally Terry Hobbs had some abusive history that might indicate he had something to do with it. At any rate. At this point without dedicating even more time to it I don't feel confident making a clear judgment. Damien definitely gives me the creeps and the way he laughs and flaunts his way through the trial is disturbing.

But Johnny Depp has been "going off his rocker" lately:

A video he recently released with Marilyn Manson, cute:

River Phoenix overdosed in his Viper Room - Speculative but slightly strange:

Anyway, this isn't about Johnny Depp, but it all connects.

Danny Elfman is our primary focus here. Let's start with his first credited film, "The Forbidden Zone"


In this movie he plays the devil as they sacrifice "chicken boy" to him. Those of us who have been researching these topics will know that "chicken lover" is slang for a gay man who likes underage boys. ("Chicken Boy" wears a diaper throughout the film and is caged and abused by his sadistic mother. Here are some clips from it:

The alphabet song - In this disturbing skit we see chicken boy baby talking "gaygay, gaygaygay, gay guy, googoogoo, gaygaygay" as if they needed to make the whole thing more suggestive.

Just some more bizarre stuff:

In this NSFW strangefest there appear to be underage women topless at each side of the witch acting as stationary sphinxes... Of course youtube has no problem with this.

Queens revenge... the princess, topless, dressed in oversized panties attempts to violate her victim with an electrical prod:

Dungeon cave filled with topless slaves screaming:

Just some frog character fucking the princess to get some of that beastiality in there:

Chicken Boy abused by his parents:

And here we see chicken boy and the princess sacrificed to the devil, as portrayed by Danny Elfman:

Note some of the symbolism:



So yes... this film is pretty sick. I was curious what had happened to this actress, Gisele Lindley. She did one film after this and then there is no trace of her online. I hope she's ok.

So what if I told you his next film, the first in a series of collaboration with Tim Burton, revolves around an "eccentric man-child" starring a pedophile who was later arrested for masturbating in public and for possession of child pornography?


"When eccentric man-child Pee-Wee Herman gets his beloved bike stolen in broad daylight, he sets out across the U.S. on the adventure of his life."


In July 1991, while visiting with relatives, Reubens was arrested in Sarasota, Florida for masturbating during a film at an adult movie theater.[42] During a random police inspection, a detective who had observed Reubens detained him as he was readying to leave.

In November 2002, while filming David LaChapelle's video for Elton John's "This Train Don't Stop There Anymore", Reubens learned that police were at his home with a search warrant, acting on a tip from a witness in the pornography case against actor Jeffrey Jones,[68] finding among over 70,000 items of kitsch memorabilia, two grainy videotapes and dozens of photographs that the city attorney's office characterized as a collection of child pornography.[2] Kelly Bush, Reubens' personal representative at the time, said the description of the items was inaccurate and claimed the objects were "Rob Lowe's sex videotape, and a few 30- to 100-year-old kitsch collectible images."[69] Reubens turned himself in to the Hollywood division of the LAPD and was charged with possession of obscene material improperly depicting a
child under the age of 18 in sexual conduct.[70]

Paul Reuben is also responsible for one of the creepiest kids show in TV history, "Pee Wee Herman's playhouse"

A little de-tour from my main focus as I bring you this screenshot collection you didn't know you didn't want to see:

All seeing eye

Lots of spirals

These weird masks they use in the "Eyes Wide Shut" style sex orgies

Hanging skeleton

One eye symbolism, 2 for one


And another all seeing eye

Hippy kids

Indoor swimming instructor..

Hypnotic spirals

And then some...


Needs more one eye symbolism...

A little more...

White rabbit.

One eye in the background

Swimming instructor to the rescue

Everything backwards... what is that associated with again?

Does he really need more hands?

I don't even want to know...

Beauty make-over

Disturbing af...

Quick question... is this woman dressed appropriately for a kids show? Ok.. just curious...

Question... is this man appropriately dressed for a kids TV-show?


This guy looks like he's having sex with some robot...

Seriously, it's like he's coming into it... it's insane, you can watch it on youtube but it might hurt your soul a little... Discretion is advised.

It really should not come as a surprise that this guy is a pedophile. Anyone sneaking satanic and occult imagery and suggestive sexually charged innuendos should be viewed with extreme skepticism. This show went on for years and years and then the guy went on to star in Blow, with Johnny Depp, even after the public masturbation scandal.

Quick question, if you had previously worked with someone who had the dubious resume of masturbating in public and hosting a TV show for kids, would you want to work with him again?

What about openly praising someone and forming a friendship with someone who openly promotes pedophilia? Does that sound like something you would do?

Allen Ginsberg publicly endorsed NAMBLA.
He appeared in the film "chicken-hawk" which references the "chicken lover" slang I referred to earlier.

In this film which is quite repetitive so it could be a lot shorter it goes into some detail about Johnny Depp and his friendship with Allen Ginsberg. Ginsberg was a family friend of Winona Ryder (her name comes up a lot as well in this kind of research) who had a long-term relationship with Depp.

Johnny Depp insinuated he would like to assassinate Donald Trump:

Regardless of policies and personal opinion, when you live in a democracy and you are not happy with the results you should not be talking about assassinating the person who won. I certainly think the reaction would have been quite severe if anyone had said the same about Barack Obama or even George W. Bush... It's interesting to see all the Hollywood celebrities singinh in harmony about politics now. It's almost like they're not allowed to have their own opinions?

And some of them are just horrible people with horrible opinions.. Horrible, gullible... mallible.. Pick your word.



This is just one of those areas that keeps on expanding as I research it.

But let's get back to our main focus, Danny Elfman.

In 1989 he gets his big "score" with the opening credits of "The Simpsons" one of my favourite TV shows of all time, disregarding what they've been doing since they stopped being funny. I don't know the details behind that, and I will say in many ways I have admired the music of Danny Elfman throughout his career without knowing these details about his personality.

Without getting into the deeper psychological issues behind accepting that some of the people who we've come to admire and some people, in some cases even idolize, are actually pretty disgusting people and the added complication as to whether it is ok to keep enjoying said art after you know about it (Woody Allen is a good example as well, I used to love his movies, Jimmy Page? ugh...) I will say that this is something I've considered but however we deal with those complexities I think it remains important that the truth comes out and we can deal with such repercussions later.

In 1997 Danny Elfman makes the score for the Weinstein produced "Good Will Hunting"

Justice League is a Miramax production as well:

And of course "The Silver Linings Playbook"

So it's fair to say he has worked quite extensively with Miramax and Harvey Weinstein.

And since I was mentioning Woody Allen earlier, Danny Elfman also composed the film for the 1991 film "Shadows and Fog"


He does kind of have that look doesn't he? Not the most prominent looking babysitter out there in my opinion.

They like to joke about these things:

Marilyn Manson "I like to have young girls on my lap when I sing."
Danny: "Who doesn't?" ... "It worked for me when I was doing the demos"

Manson also joked about making a Tinder for kids:

You know, like how "Amanda Kleinman" joked about pedophilia at the Comet Ping Pong

Marilyn Manson is a satanist and as such probably one of the most prominent preachers of Satanism in our day. He, like many other satanists will give you their PR spiel that "oh people have so many misconceptions about Satanism, it's really just about individuality and being your own God" - Right... and it's insane how many people are promoting this notion of "philosophical Satanism" "Individuality" in this context should read "narcissism" and being your own God means you decide whatever is good and bad and you can define that however you want. A lot of satanism has to do with "indulging in the desires of the flesh" and "embracing your demons" - They also believe that it's ok to lie as long as you can gain something from it and you should take brutal revenge on those who wrong you. It is the absolute opposite of the values we intuitively hold dear as humans, regardless of religion. It mocks the golden rule and such hippy notion as turning the other cheek and loving your enemies.

It is the most dangerous religion out there and it should come as no surprise that regardless of what they may claim publicly, there is nothing in the "moral code" of a satanist that prevents him from being a pedophile and lying about it if he is so "inclined".


"The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo"

Oingo Boingo /ˈɔɪŋɡoʊ ˈbɔɪŋɡoʊ/ was an American new wave band, best known for their hits "Dead Man's Party" and "Weird Science". They are noted for their soundtrack contributions and high energy Halloween concerts, as well as their mixture of styles, including ska, pop, rock, and world music.[1] The band was founded in 1972 as The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo, a performance art group. The band was led by songwriter/vocalist Danny Elfman, who has since achieved success as a composer for film and television.


"This is my private place
Everything is neat and clean
The skeletons are hidden in the closet
This is my private place
Come and get me out of here
These are my private things
There they are against the wall
The dirty pictures, religious objects
These are my private things
Come and get them out of here
This is my private life
This is my private life
This is my private life
There's something dangerous I like

It's pretty clear that the themes in their music is quite dark. One of their bigger hits is called "Dead Man's party"

"I was struck by lighting, walkin' down the street
I was hit by something last night in my sleep
It's a dead man's party who could ask for more
Everybody's comin', leave your body at the door
Leave your body and soul at the door

Don't run away it's only me
Don't be afraid of what you can't see"

Weird science is... well weird:

Then there is the lyrics to "Ain't this the life":

"Ain't This The Life
Livin' way up now in a penthouse high
Our steaks are rare and our martini's dry
Folks below they say it ain't fair
Hell with them, I really don't care
Joie de vivre, mon amie
Ain't this the life

Having a party on a big jet plane
I got so drunk that I could feel no pain
Hangin' out in Acapulco,
Drinkin' rum and sniffin' co-co
Pretty senorita look this way
Dancing through the night
Everything's alright
Girlfriend and a wife
Ain't this the life, Ain't this the life
Ain't this the life, baby, baby, baby . . .

Tropical island in the deep blue sea
The natives are friendly and the lobster's free
Sipping cognac like a French king
Plenty of room, I own the whole thing
Joie de vivre, mon amie
Ain't this the life

Think I'll go out now on a shopping spree
Breakfast in New York, dinner in Parie
Hangin' out with Lynn and Suzie
Have a massage and a jacuzzi
Climb into bed and see what's on TV
Dancing through the night
Everything's alright
Girlfriend and a wife . . .
Ain't this the life, Ain't this the life"

And then there is the song "Nasty habits"... and it's pretty much as bad as you would imagine:


Tell me your secrets, tell me your name, tell me your secrets
Tell me your name, I won't tell, I won't tell, I won't tell

Here's something to think about where would we be now without
Nasty habits, nasty habits
Makes me want to scream and shout, life would be so dull without
Nasty habits, nasty habits
All those naughty little things that we don't discuss publicly
Nasty habits, nasty habits

Tell me your secrets, tell me your name, tell me your secrets

Does it please you to employ little girls or little boys
Nasty habits, nasty habits
Do you like to romp and play by yourself when they're away
Nasty affair, what do I care
Do you peek at magazines filled with doggies and leather queens
Nasty habits, nasty habits

Tell me your secrets that no one should hear
Whisper them softly into my ear, I won't tell, I won't tell

People act so proper when they're going 'bout
Their business, cup of coffee, friendly conversation
'Til they get home, 'til they get home
Turn the phone off, lock the door and shut the curtains
Make sure that the neighbors are without suspicion
No one will know, no one will know

Nasty habits, I must condone
No one knows what I do when I'm all alone
Nasty habits, I'm so ashamed
Nasty habits here to stay now they'll never go away
Try and stop you'll have to pay, nasty habits, are here to stay"


Ever lay there half asleep all hours of the night
With some nagging demon tugging at that tiny bell inside your mind
When suddenly that strange idea bursts into an inspiration
You grab for it and then the whole thing slips right through your fingers

Just once or twice is good for your soul
Just once or twice is good for your soul
If you don't stop, you'll lose control
Just once or twice is good for your soul

Yes well.. know we have the general theme set up pretty firmly let's do a little recap before we move in for the kill, metaphorically of course.

Danny Elfman has worked closely with Johnny Depp, Marilyn Manson, Harvey Weinstein, Paul Reuben and has also worked with Woody Allen. (In that film, Woody Allen's character is named "Kleinman" which is the same name as Amanda Kleinman from CPP and translates as "small person") - He likes to portray himself as the devil and his themes are deeply, dark and occult in nature, while often also appealing to kids (Charlie and the chocolate factory, Justice League, Alice in Wonderland, Pee Wee's Big Adventure) He jokes about singing with young girls on his lap with Marilyn Manson. His lyrical themes are highly focused on someone justifying a sick and perverted lifestyles while having to hide many of his nasty habits and the skeletons in his closet from society. Do we really need more?

I think it's time to just leave this here:

(Warning - tune is catchy and you don't want to start humming these lyrics in public)


This is a shitty post, and quite the creepy.

Oohh... It's creepy!

That's exactly the point.

I'm guessing you did not read this thoroughly.

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