James Alefantis threatened to Kill Ryan. Doubters attacked Him. I 100% believed him. Here's Why.

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

Update: Steemit is now censoring topics. I posted this yesterday and in 15 minutes had about 47 Likes organically. Then Steemit removed the pizzagate topic completely and despite promotion the following day the post only got about 3 more likes.


Ever since Ryan Alexander O'Neal shared his frightening experience with us, he's attracted supportive fans and extremely harsh critics in equal measure. The critics treat him like a fool or accuse him of faking it.

Those who are fans don't understand the critics' behavior. And vice versa.

Joseph Campbell's work can help us understand why. Campbell researched ancient legends around the world and found that there are 8 types of people or characters in every hero's journey - universal to all cultures, all people, all countries. These archetypes are true to human behavior. And they have remained the same over thousands of years.

The list of 8 archetypes is interesting and I share the link at the end. Some of Ryan's critics are like The Guardian archetype whose message to the hero is: “go home and forget your quest.” “this way lies danger.” Indeed.

  1. The Hero (also perceived as a fool)
    According to Campbell, in order to become a hero, every hero has to leave the world they are familiar with and enter a new one. This new world is so different that "whatever skills they have are no longer sufficient". They rush in where angels fear to tread. The more cautious types think they are fools and seek to stop them, or criticize their lack of skills to cope with the new territory. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Stop! You have no skills!" is the mantra.

Look, if playing safe is a top life priority then all heroes are fools. If protesting cruel or unjust behavior is dangerous, all heroes are fools. It's just common sense.

I'm no heroine but I have challenged bad people. Injustice or cruelty gets me doing things I shouldn't. I don't know how to fire a gun and have never taken self defence classes. I was raised in a world of books, horses, dogs, cats and private schools, without much sense of it being a dangerous world.

I have 2 prime examples in my life where I look back and think what a fool I was. The first time was for taking on a CEO in a foreign country, who tried to molest me (I was told if I retracted my police statement we could walk away without consequences. I refused because there was no way I was going to say I had lied, as well as the thought of other women he might abuse if I didn't report him then...). The second time it was a group of drug traffickers.

I'm glad I did because of my VALUE SYSTEM, but I also berate myself for it because of the consequences. See, value systems direct our actions. So do emotions, sure. But I think emotions are driven by our values.

The first time I acted like a fool harmed my career and right to reside in a foreign country. The 2nd time caused me to get a terrifying phone call and move states, hiring a soldier/ex mercenary to keep me safe.

What Ryan did gives me deja vu. I received a call on my cell while at home during the day, from an unidentified number, about 2 months after hiring a PI to track some people I suspected of trafficking drugs.

Let me add, I wasn't meddling in some strangers' affairs. I was linked to someone who I was warned was doing this who I wouldn't have dreamed was involved. My personal value system is that drug cartels are murderers because I've seen peoples' lives destroyed by addiction. I think the same of pedophiles, that they destroy lives, but I have no personal experience with that.

The conversation with the stranger went pretty much like the Alefantis/Ryan chat. Threats, pretending to be the good guy if I did as he advised. Letting me know he knew I was at home and that "home was not the safest place to be" talking to him... I remember almost stopping breathing when he mentioned Interpol in the first sentence because the PI team had recently done so. I had not believed them. And then again when he mentioned my location. My brain became a scrambled emergency station. I couldn't think. Why? Because just like Campbell says, that isn't my world. I don't have the skills. I had no experience dealing with savages. I was a fool and had stepped into an abyss.

Throughout the conversation I kept thinking is he a good guy or is he a bad guy? He gave me such mixed signals. Just like JA gave Ryan. I was so out of my depth that when he asked if I had a security person or attorney looking after me I gave him a straight answer. I even handed over my new lawyer's number when he asked for it. Dumb move. Lawyers can be bribed. I remember hoping for mental clarity and not getting any. I remember trying to calm my breathing and voice. I remember hoping he'd continue talking a lot so I could get time to think.

After reading this, please google Stockholm Syndrome. Here's how it goes. First the caller terrifies you. While you're traumatized they extract info from you and tell you how to behave. Your brain is scrambled with disbelief and panic. Whoever moves first has the ambush advantage. Although your priority is to get away, you hang in there, hoping to get some info that could help you. And you try to disarm them by acting submissive or at least cooperative.

And by the way, I didn't leave the city that night. I hired bodyguards night and day and started packing. Most importantly of all, after about 48hrs of this I reached a stunning conclusion. There is no amount of money that will keep you safe if you have info that threatens bad, ruthless people. You can't hire bodyguards every day for the rest of your life. So you have to do what Ryan did. All I had was the info - the same thing that threatened me could save me.

I must have spent about 3 hours writing that email, but sent it out, copying everyone linked to the drug traffickers that I could. I'm talking their fathers, their social friends, their friends with high powered corporate careers. :) And I told them I was copying a journalist and lawyer and military expert. All true. I described the threatening call in detail, laid out my accusations and what the PI had told me and said if anything bad happened to me the lawyer, the journalist etc would get into action. After that, no problemo. Here I am 3.5 years later :) It wasn't a public case like Pizzagate so I couldn't use Steemit or Youtube lol but if it was I would have done exactly the same as Ryan.

My second point about the way we behave around bad people is that we all have some kind of archetype inside us. The character we feel most affinity with. My personal opinion, after reflecting a lot on this is that we must have all taken Walt Disney and Superman movies to heart as kids. We chose our favorite characters and aspired to be like them. As we grew up and realized we couldn't do all those things we chose to keep some of the values our preferred characters held.

And those values direct our actions.

Those of us who favored characters like Snow White or Luke Skywalker can't grasp why some kids would feel more affinity with Medusa or Darth Vader. But they do. We automatically think they had monsters for parents, but if you read The Soul's Code by James Hillman you'll learn that parents are not the cause.

I wanted to share my personal experience to explain that receiving a sudden call or request to chat from a monster, leaves you feeling ambushed. If it were a physical encounter it would be more predictable. Some run, some fight. People generally have more experience with physical reactions and choices. In physical encounters the SUBCONSCIOUS brain rules and it is smarter than any prize-winning chessmaster. We've all read the stories of old ladies beating thugs off with a few sharp words or a handbag. I met a tall thin 70 year old who had grabbed the gun out of the hands of a burglar in his yard after whacking two of them with his tennis racquet. He didn't believe it when the police told him. They had the CCTV. The conscious brain isn't needed for physical responses in times of danger. It's mush by then anyway.

But when it's a voice in your ear or some words on a screen, while the heart pounds just as fast and the hands shake just as much, your conscious brain becomes spaghetti just when it's your only weapon. You cannot use your subconscious brain in a mental fight. You're too conscious. It's a mental war precisely at a time when your brain is flooded with fear, rendering it useless. And the terrorizer has the advantage of surprise. They use terror like a weapon.

(And yes, I received a terrifying call from the CEO psycho as well, 3 months after the incident, telling me he'd just flown into the country and was staying in an executive condo NEXT DOOR to my residence. Not the usual 5 star hotel. He rattled off the name of my residence just for good measure... It was 21h00 on a Friday night. That was the first time I'd encountered the concept of a real savage. A psycho. Whatever they are. My whole body shook, not just my hands. I was in my 20s and in a foreign country with little support. He knew that. I was terrified that he knew no boundaries. That he might do something whacky I'd never thought of. I was terrified that not even reporting him had stopped him. All the original terror resurfaced tenfold. Psychopaths use guerilla techniques). And I have to add that my terror was despite the fact that not a single item of clothing was ever removed in the first encounter and I got out of there physically fine. My subconscious brain outsmarted his. Still, I was as terrified by his psycho mind as I imagine those poor kids are with the pedophiles.

Here's Ryan's face when describing the experience of having his loved ones threatened. Someone made a video about this on Youtube (see video below) and argued that you can't fake that look. I know it well. It's disbelief, trauma, shock. You name it. And as for Ryan's smiles later in the video that people have criticized. Come on. Laughter, smiling, giggling are all nervous reactions to extreme trauma. Even today if someone tells me a terrifying story I first express sympathy and then start giggling with relief when their story gets to the more relaxed part, at whatever point I can. It's ridiculous but I do. I try to make them see things are okay now because their panic reminds me of my former frightening experiences and I want to get rid of it asap. They probably don't understand. :(

So I just want to say to Ryan's critics. Don't judge till you experience it personally. Don't underestimate the effect of trauma or the charm of psychopaths. They've used it all their lives to manipulate people and we are all out of our depth.

But be glad for fools and heroes who are often the same thing. They are following a value system, usually at great cost to themselves. They may seem reckless but they often rattle the bad guys and cause them harm. Which is a good thing. The father who shoots the man who rapes his child is a fool. And he is also a hero. The young guys in Michigan who chased the baby kidnapper in their car were fools and also heroes. So was the 14 year old in Arizona who let a raped woman into his home because she was begging for help at the door. Never mind that the rapist then set fire to his home. The fool/hero called his dad to come quickly and 911 got there before they all died.

As that famous Apple ad said best, "Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers..."


Wow. Just wow.

First, I am glad you survived your encounter with the psychopaths. I have encountered one through a friend of mine, though to be fair, she may have been a sociopath or even an extreme narcissist with sociopathic tendencies. I didn't get enough observation time, BUT, the observations of her behavior I was able to make fit the characteropathies mentioned. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing, in terms of the "subtle" dynamics playing out, yet I was the only one in a group of 5 (including the characteropath) who "saw" this. Perhaps it was because I had a working theoretical framework regarding psychopathy.

Second, you write beautifully. By that I mean the words mostly "disappeared". You have the gift of wordcraft. :)

Third, and incidentally, I recently wrote about value systems, though admittedly in a different context. I had an inner chuckle at the 'coincidence' upon your mention of value systems :)

Thank you for sharing your experience(s). This will help to inform working hypotheses on the truth of things. :)

--- homalinadir

(Edit for clarity)

Thanks Homalinadir. :) So interesting you were writing about value systems. Please post the link if you blogged about it. I'd love to read it.

You're right about the wordcraft because it kickstarted my previous career :) I haven't really "written" in about 4 years though so I was worried I'd gotten clumsy. Glad to know it's all still there.

You write very well yourself.

Just one encounter with a psycho changes how we navigate the world. I regret that kids aren't educated about psychos from an early age. All we give them are fairy tales and a misguided sense of their strength. Nobody's strong around deranged people. They do what they like.

Have you read M Scott Peck's essay People of the Lie? Fascinating :)

It was here https://steemit.com/purpose/@pratik-poddar/purpose-of-life#@homalinadir/re-pratik-poddar-purpose-of-life-20170108t074134585z

It is still there :). And, thank you! As a kid I didn't really "get" letters. Numbers were my thing. Then a few years ago I discovered, to my surprise, that I enjoyed creative writing.

I agree that education about psychopathy is important. It ought to be mandatory, in my humble opinion ;)

I have not read that. I shall check it out. Thanks! :)


I just replied to your post on the other blog :)

I'm glad you posted Jesse Spots' analysis on this. He's very level-headed. I actually reached out to him on twitter about a week ago because he was doubting #PizzaGate in the following video:

Ah, clever idea. :) Will do.

@fulltimegeek Hey, Mtrix flagged me to downvote my post so I returned the favor. So speak to HIM about his spite issues. If he wants to act like a bully in a playground he just loses our respect. And I will stand up against bullies.

Re the topic thing, I'm speaking out as a user. With user experience. others agree with me and have had the same experience. I don't need you to agree. But I do love that post of yours I commented on earlier - the 10 things

I love the fact you passionately voice your opinion. So, do not think I am in any way discouraging that.

I was unaware he flagged you first. Are you sure he didn't un-flag it though? I just took a quick glance at your recent blogs and see no flags. But, I can barely see those tiny icons so I'm not 100% sure.

Thank you for liking my Top 10 Crazy Things I Believe are True blog and commenting. I made sure to include #PizzaGate on the list due to its importance.

He just told me he unflagged it and must have seen your post. So I'll do the same with his. Reasonableness is great. Your post was great, great, great :) I love that stuff. Keep em coming.

Thanks fulltime :) I spotted the "I know Ryan" video today on Youtube and wasn't going to post it. I'm not the type to share personal stories either but I've read too many criticisms on Voat and got to saturation point. Ryan gets more praise than not though, I'm glad to say :)

SaltMashPotatoe SaltyMashedPotatoes tweeted @ 29 Dec 2016 - 23:20 UTC

@ThePerezHilton @ImperatorTruth The following video by @JesseSpots is what sparked this dialogue:


Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Excellent share. Thank you for the chilling information.

Thanks Frank.

Great post thanks. there were many naysayers and attackers, I hope they are reflecting

Thanks @cathyfox Just so you know, Steemit has removed the pizzagate topic completely from the Topics bar. @ned claims there's a bug but it's strange how that bug only affects the PIZZAGATE topic. I think @ned is LYING through his "how can I serve Alefantis" teeth

I think the concept is good re steemit, but it does not seem decentralised enough. I will keep a watch on the pizzagate topic, if its a bug they should fixing it. What blog platform are you thinking of going to?

I've given up on steemit. a lot of rubbish gets high votes because people cheat. I'm now in a private research group.

yes i know, presumably it can still be searched for though?

Just read this: from link I just sent you:

Johnson is the latest in a line of young athletes - polo players , oarsmen and swimmers - that Weber has discovered and used in his work; they seem linked, I suggest, by a certain sense of innocence. Is that the emotion he is always looking for?

'I have always been attracted to the innocence in people because I feel like it's the thing that most reveals them,' he says. 'But I don't look at innocence as something unhealthy, something that should be corrupted. I'm pretty protective of the people I photograph.'

In part of the narrative on the film, Weber, now 56, observes: 'Photographing Peter and his friends in the shower, I remember myself at that age. I wanted to be one of those kids padding around without a care in the world, but I couldn't. I'd be swimming all day in the country club and my mom would tell me to shower and dress [there] for dinner but I told her I couldn't. The locker-room would be too crowded at that hour and it seemed to me that every guy in the Midwest would be in the locker-room showering and dressing for his six o'clock date. Instead I'd wash at the washbasin wearing my underwear and a towel. We sometimes photograph the things we can never be.'

He's done a couple of them - in gymnasiums or athletic arenas. I can't remember the name. It had jazz as the soundtrack. there was NO speaking, just jazz and boys' waists downwards. It was complete torture because it was a "society" event and we weren't sure we could get out early. Here's an article about one. May have been this. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2002/jun/30/artsfeatures.features Note he focuses on "young".

When I initially read his report and watched two videos including the one on Pegasus kill room as well as the vide regarding threats from JA- I wasn't convinced- on the fence really but leaning towards not considering Ryan a trustworthy source. Just my gut feel and I ALWAYS go with my gut.

Like I said, if you haven't been there, don't rush to judgment. Because you can't assess the reactions properly. I have tried to convey why reactions in traumatic situations differ from what people would do in normal situations. Do read up about Stockholm Syndrome. Scientists have discovered it's a real thing that causes chemical changes in the body. It's not in the head.

I have not 'rushed to judgement'- I weighed the evidence presented and applied discernment and intuition as well- I do not stand in judgment of Mr. O'Neal- if he received the threats that he claims he did then he should pursue JA legally and push for criminal prosecution. I also did not find his 'kill room' evidence compelling- OK so perhaps the location of a pic of a hole in a basement was pinpointed? So what? Furthermore anyone that's all in on exposing satanic pedophiles should check their fears at the door.

Thanks for the comment. We don't have to agree but I value your input. What do you mean by "anyone that's all in on exposing satanic pedophiles should check their fears at the door." ? :) He should determine to not be frightened because he has embarked on the quest? Nice idea but we are human. And JA threatened his mom and girlfriend, and apparently son.

Also, I don't think you watched the same video I did because I didn't see the same points made about the Pegasus Museum. I'll post the link here in a few secs.

The video that Ryan was asked to take down:

Thank you- let me elaborate- the beings we are up against us fear as a weapon to control us. Fear itself is a form of energy. If that energy is targeted towards you yet you are able to repulse that fear energy then it returns to sender and they now fear you knowing that you no longer fear them. They can sense your fears and vulnerabilities and exploit them. I know my enemy and you'd better not be willing to tangle with them unless you are willing to sacrifice everything- that would be what I define as fearlessness and I believe that to be the key to defeating these core evil beings who up until recently have had a chokehold on this planet. Make them fear YOU. JA threatens your mom? Make him regret it. If you're too faint of heart for that sort of thing then it's unwise to mess with this sort.

Let me add something though. My older sister was once waitressing in New York for a year. She told me her route to work had a drug gang on 1 side of the road and an opposing gang on the other. I'm 7 years younger and more easily scared :) I asked her how she survived not being raped. She said she made friends with the one gang to protect her lol. Then she added words I have never forgotten. "Never think you will be raped/harmed etc and you never will be. Don't let it be part of your reality." Somehow that sunk in and stuck.

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