Child Rapists Bragging on the Web - Not the DC ones

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

I was on Voat reading up on the latest Pizzagate comments at this url: when I saw a request by a "female" poster, calling themselves Ann_laurie, to investigate this site.

Here is the request:

It has crossed my mind it's a post by the Alefantis cabal to divert attention. Perhaps. But after taking one look at their "website" I couldn't let it go. They post links to Boylinks and Boychat. It's hideous.

Their strategy is so devious. If you examine the posts they are trying to rope BLM, Islamophobia, Antisemitism etc into their "cause", to make themselves look "normal". It's called Brand Leveraging. You pull in the skanky, no-hoper brand to stand as an equal next to islamophobia, antisemitism and racism, to make it seem acceptable or trendy.

The owner of the site - Ernest Steiner - posts that "atheistic white men are often much more violent than muslim people." So although he swears his site is anti hate speech he stirs up hatred for white men. Way to go, you filthy pedophile.

The old poison dwarf wants us to believe that HE believes in God? As if God would want him raping young boys and think it was okay? Sicko.

I wish we could nuke their poisonous pedophile website to oblivion but since we can't, I hope posting about them here gets them nuked socially.

  1. Note their sociopathy - they have zero sense that it's wrong for them to lust after boys and they blame it on nature not their lack of conscience or their mentally disturbed minds (watch a few of the videos they post)
  2. The truth about any adult child sexual encounter is that the adult has power and the child has none. I'd bet the world's top psychiatrist that these boy lovers all exhibit traits of psychopathy and narcissistic personality disorder.
  3. I could only watch about 5 minutes of their pedo propaganda Chickenhawk movie posted on the site - enough to see all of them claiming they can't help it.

But here's the thing child rapists...

Men who are attracted to women, don't have to AVOID women to keep themselves from raping them!

You claim to have to avoid boys because you want to have sex with them and "can't help yourselves." What a lie.

As if every boy growing up into a man doesn't learn he can't kiss every girl against her will. As if gay guys don't learn they can't just grab any guy they get the hots for. What a pathetic excuse for humans you child rapists are.

The one bright light is Ernest Steiner has left the USA for Sweden. The bad news is that he will of course be raping kids there.

Even Twitter banned him and he claims that they have to give his account back because he is an "activist".

The evil liar claims not to be a pedophile in one post but look at his warped posts here:

I did check every single one of their feeds. Martin Sanchez appeared squeaky clean with posts that are "anti-porn" and "porn has a bad influence on children". Then I found this:

Proceed to nuke them with your comments below.

A Youtuber made a video about this and it's a good one:


I did it...I submitted a story...must have taken me a whole half hour to write. Now I can write my dog story!


Post the link to your story. Btw, watch this. George Webb on Youtube. There are 6 videos for Day 76. He's putting all the info out there because he thinks they may kill him soon. He says Monica Peterson is going to be the thing that unravels everything...

I've been following this...haven't watched today yet. One of the strange things about this is the silence of the MSM. There's another woman who was a Senator on Ga, I think who was investigating underage sex trafficking in Atlanta...she died mysteriously (murder/suicide). She and her husband were devout Christians, so NO WAY. CNN did a series on the sex trafficking, now they're silent. I wrote about it a while back.
Check out these links to some of my earlier articles and see what I think is going on.
The last one has Nancy Shaeffer the Sen that was killed.

I know you think it's about the young blood and anti aging. I think that's a revenue stream yes. But for me personally the idea of a child being raped is the most terrible thing I can imagine, worse than death. I just think like that. Like if it were me, I'd sooner die than be raped and if I'd been hurt like that as a kid I wouldn't want to live. You're very strong. You had to be. You had absolutely no support system. I'll read your articles soon.

The tactic of mainstreaming has been going on for a while now. When Feminists, gays and other groups saw the success of the Civil Rights movement they jumped on the bandwagon, so to speak. Now it's pedos. One of the downsides of the "Sexual Revolution" seems to be the idea that people HAVE to have sex. I did some reading about St Paul from the Bible. Most of the anti-gay stuff comes from him. I read that he had overwhelming homosexual impulses and decided on celibacy. It is an option. Pedophilia is not a normal sexual trait (for lack of a better word, I'm not awake yet). These are criminals, nothing more. In prison, they're protected now. A guy that used to work for me got out a couple of years back and told me that you can't touch them much for justice! Watch, just as sure as I'm writing this, the therapeutic community will start providing legitimacy. It's already happening. NAMBLA (North-American Man-Boy Love Assn.) has been active for years. By the way, I'm not sure about this William Sanchez character, he just sounds pissed to me. Great article- upvoted!

Thanks Rich. Because you lived through the 60s I know you've seen it all. I think that Australian documentary I watched yesterday also affected me in blogging about this. I kept seeing little Adam in every reference these sickos made. I'm sad to hear about the prisons. It used to be they'd have the worst time in there. But now that Jeff Sessions is in I bet even prisons will revert to how they should be. Political correctness is poison for the world. Check Sanchez's words about fingering the other man's son... :(

I know, I keep seeing little Adam in my mind's eye. I don't think Sanchez actually did it...I think he was trying to piss the other guy off. I know if it was me and somebody wrote about one of my sons (or daughters) like that- they'd be dead already! I think I'm going to take a day off from thinking and write about my dog today. I need a mental-health day!

I second that. You've had more than your share of evil. Have a great timeout day.

Thanks...There's a story contest on here...maybe I'll write something for that too.

You should Rich. You have natural storytelling talent. Alexander Dumas was the master of that, next Dickens or Steinbeck.

Why is no one locking these guys up? Where is the investigation? Is every lawyer in the US asleep or are they just cowards? Frustrating.

So true @sebastianjago. wait till you read about the top policeman in Washington DC. :(

An 11 yr old girl was raped by a group of men and instead of charging the men he charged the girl. I found this out today via Voat. Will blog it soon. The madness is that this creep is hoping for the Chief's job now that that opened up recently. He is the acting head of DC police right now till they appoint the new guy whoever it is.

Welcome to the Roman/Israel/Jesuit/Banking Cartel Empire! The henchmen are all part of the club.

Indeed whoever they are, from whatever culture, they've placed their henchmen at the doors.

I'm more inclined to view it as a freemasonic thing. Because that includes all religions, all cultures and faiths. That way they have greater control irrespective of differences. eg you can be a Jesuit and a freemason. You can also be a muslim or jew or catholic or satanist and a freemason. Atheists too.

That cult all swear allegiance to each other over family, country, creed and religion.

Agree it is Freemasons. Big club.

Someone made a video about this and stuck it on Youtube with more details. great!

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