#pizzagate as a Democratic Party Conspiracy - Cards Against Anarchy
Truth is stranger than fiction... Or is it?
False flag -gate?
Never mind the fact that some maniac targeted the establishment in question. Bad actions are always on the people that commit them, not the people who may be spreading BS and who supposedly instigate them to commit crimes. Sorry, not sorry. Still no justification for censorship.
I will emphasize the importance of differentiating between a pedophile and a child molester. See below video for a virtuous pedophile:
Remember - being heterosexual or homosexual won't make you a sexual harasser any more than being a pedophile equals being a child molester. Be careful with the words you fling around. Stigma is the MO of ignorance and the lamestream media.
Love and laughs,
Cards Against Anarchy.
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I think the only false flag was when they said that some guy barged in with an assault rifle and said he was "Self investigating"
@titusfrost will break it down for you right here:
Even he specifically says he is a virtuous pedophile "viped". I am concerned because the LGBTQ is considering adding "P" for pedophile and making them a protected class. I beg to differ about homosexuals being molesters the same as heteros. Apparently homosexuals are 1-3% of the population, but are committing 1/3 of all molestations. You may not have known but homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder until it was lobbied to remove it. The same lobbying is going on for pedophilia. I bet statistically those who identify as pedos probably at a large percentage molest children. The average person who identifies as a pedo does molest children. http://yellodyno.com/Statistics/statistics_child_molester.html
I am grateful some pedos are trying to be virtuous. They should be able to get help, but I will never accept them as a protected class. The next move is to remove it as a psychological disorder and next legalize molestation as long as it is consensual. Really a 5 year old can consent? Give me a break!
There is a MIT professor who has done years of studies and has concluded transgender is a mental disorder and that no children should be encouraged to change until they are adults.
Most children will change their mind. My daughter while in the 4th grade a classmate went from female to male during the year. It was announced that now "Kim" was "Dan" and all teachers and students had to call her a him. Having to explain this to my 4th grader was difficult. Of course I said to be nice to "him" because he must be hurting. Seriously should a 4th grader be making such as serious decision??? Why make the change during the school year. The parents could have done this during the Summer. The whole thing is disturbing. I understand there is probably less 1% people born with both parts and some who as adults want to change. Its getting crazy when 4th graders are making decisions like this.
I also heard an anglican priest speak about being same sex attracted but has never acted on it. Why because he is Christian and the bible speaks against it. Sam Allberry's book is "Is God Anti-gay". Contrary to what you may think I am not a homophobe. I have gay friends. I even think you can be a Christian and be gay. Who is without sin? I don't think a minister or priest should live a gay lifestyle because the bible is clear on the matter.