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Thanks for that response, @newsandviews. I was not seeking any monetary support for my response but it's a good point that you made, and I've thought about the same situation regarding other "big names" that myself and many others have loyally followed for some time.
Thanks. I know that you were not looking for an upvote from Sean, but sadly I never see Sean upvote anybody and frankly, this is simply wrong on Steemit. I fully understand if he doesn't have the time to search through all the new posts across Steemit, but he can at least upvote those that are providing input on his page. That takes almost nothing to do.
Wanna know something funny? The one pic I used under the "Red Pill" heading in that article - it was his main picture for his next ytube video. Go look, lol. I don't mind, not my pic. I think he has someone else doing his replies, too. All good. If that pattern continues, there are a lot of other great talented people putting up work. Competition is healthy.
Competition as well as cooperation are always very healthy when it comes to getting the truth out. There are a lot of people to wake up and none of us can do it all on our own. Keep up the good fight..
Thanks, you too brother.