Pizzagate #4. Is this art suitable for a family restaurant? Satanic Ritual Child Abuse (SRA) Hampstead Cover Up London
Decapitated heads. Little green men. Apparently there's an alien image in the toilet saying "Shut up and fuck". That image has not yet come to light. There are many, many creepy images on Comet Ping Pong and Pizza (CPPP) restaurant owner James Alefantis's Instagram account, now in circulation. The crap on Alefantis's Instagram very much points to child abuse, child sex parties, child sexual abuse with torture, and trafficking. Late night entertainments at the restaurant relish these subjects as seen on YouTube.
Image source:
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These artworks are images of a child and a young teenager who is disassociating during their sexual abuse and torture. This is normal for people and children who live through horrors. Frequently, there is no memory of the abuse and this actually needs to be dredged up from the memory. For my own experience, I was very resistant to re-visit my abuse, but for full emotional freedom, this is the personal work sexual abuse victims must do. The piece on the left was used as advertising for the family restaurant "Comet Ping Pong and Pizza" owned by James Alefantis.
According to another Steemit writer, a contact told him this brochure was never published by Comet Ping Pong - so there we have it: A "he said, she said" situation. Disbelief needs to be suspended until better evidence is unearthed.
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Blog source "Co-creating Our New Earth"
This art has nothing to do with the Podestas. There aren't any paintings in Tony or John Podesta's house from Kim Noble or at Comet Ping Pong.
Kim Noble has responded to pizzagate harassment saying that she agrees there needs to be an investigation into it. But she isn't advocating child abuse, or selling her art to the Podestas.
Well... I think Kim Noble had better "woman up" then and start suing Comet Ping Pong for using her art for their promotional materials. And if CPPP didn't produce this pamphlet, maybe somebody better nab the little Shill that did. Can't be that difficult to find the point of origin.
Thanks for the links. it makes it much easier to sort out what's going on. The image has now been replaced and a link added to another Steemit commentator on the subject. Yes... It's easy to pick information up as truth and reproduce it. Quite right. Thanks for your information. Links to various articles you had been reading would have been useful from the outset.
I get it. Yeah I know it can be pretty hard to pick the fact out of the fiction with so much information going out there.
Thank you for continuing to post about this. This is a heartbreaking story, and it people need to know about this.
Thank you so much for being very gracious, even in the face of bitchiness. I really appreciate that. I've just followed you ;) Thanks for the compliment and understanding >> triggers. Yeah... gotta love them, right?
No worries, I'm sorry for not being more clear about what I was saying, or providing some links at the beginning. I actually hadn't read articles that told me this, I had read about Kim Noble a few years ago, and saw her art then. When I saw it popping up in relation to pizzagate, I didn't want Kim Noble to be lumped in with the sick perverts. She's a victim, and though her art is hard to view, it had opened my eyes to a world of evil that I had not realized existed.
Ok. Yes this shit is quite real. I've not experienced anything like these children. I was tampered with, terrified at age 2 - suppressed memories that affected my whole life until I knew I had to face dark things in hidden places... And my family played with the occult channeling spirits when I was 11-12. I know that when these people who appear as humans do these things to children, they have been taken over by an energy force over which they have no control. It is not the true nature of the human who does these things but much darker energies and entities. Thank you for your apology. Yes - proofs would have been good at the start, but we have both learned good lessons I think. Let's move forwards now...
Great !! Your links are really helpful @peterjhendrick - You provide a persuasive argument with all the research you've done for this, showing the sources in your bibliography for none of this being true. It's been really helpful. Your articles show that all people concerned about Satanic child sexual abuse have nothing to worry about at all. Thank you so much !!!
Hey, I'm not trying to upset you or anything. I'm saying simply that Kim Noble's art is not and has never been in Comet Ping Pong, or Tony Podesta, or John Podesta's house. Kim Noble's connection to Pizzagate was not a hard connection, but rather an inference in the art that she has painted about her own experinces, and the revelations that are coming out about the sick Podesta/Clinton ring.
I don't think that pizzagate is fake news. I am all on board to expose these disgusting individuals for the monsters that they are. But to say that Kim Noble's art was displayed in Comet Ping Pong is a falsehood, and it's the first thing claimed in this post. It's simply not true.
Kim Noble has come out in support of an investigation into Pizzagate. She has documented experience in bringing down a pedophile ring in the UK. She fights for the victims. This art is not meant to advocate it. In fact, the personality of hers that created it "Ria Pratt" thinks she is a 12 year old that recently went through this horror. Her explanation for the art is to expose the acts, that people need to know this is going on.
Here is her twitter addressing the pizzagate issue. She doesn't support these disgusting people, and she hasn't provided art to them.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
This art is tied to Mk Ultra trauma based mind control tactics. The artist in post actually endured years of Mk Ultra abuse. Kim Noble
Yup. I've seen a video about her. Generational Satanic sexual abuse and cannibalism is generally the way it works. Victims become so traumatised that they can no longer see the trauma they cause other people. They don't call it psychopathic behaviour for nothing. It is the individual's choice whether they want to heal from it or not. In Kim's case, her trauma gives her an income. So she would have very little incentive to heal when she receives not only money, but notoriety and sympathy. I don't share any of her values in the least.
Well.....considering how splintered her personality is....i don't know what kind of values she has, that would be reflective of her whole personality. After enduring that level of trauma, who is to say what her true self is anyway?
It's hard work but you can come back. I was traumatised as a child from 0-8 years and again from 11-13 years. I was sodomised at age 2 and lived in a family of extreme violence. I wanted to be healthy and happy, not depressed and suicidal. So I spent a decade reading all sorts of self help books and going to every personal development course I could afford and every therapist who was cheap. I got there. This woman is not. She is enabling her addictions. I have no sympathy for her. She's not even trying.
I'm sorry to hear about your experiences.
From what I understand, the art was an exercise to help her condition, not an attempt to profit from it. The one that painted the child abuse is a personality that thinks she is 12 years old. She painted it to spread awareness about child abuse.
Surly you must have some sympathy for her, and what she had to endure as a child.
Look mate... You're talking to an abused child. The dissociation that Kim Noble paints is a lived reality for me. It makes me fucking sick !!!!! Fuck no! I have no fucking sympathy at all !! Don't swallow the fucking Satanist narrative you dipshit!
Thanks for resteeming this article @bitcoinnational and anyone out there... I'm still new to steemit so I haven't worked out yet how to see resteems. Maybe we can't ?? So thank you : )